Subject Code & Title : P31793 Managing Employment Relations In A Global Context
Word limit : 2,500
P31793 Managing Employment Relations In A Global Context Assignment – UK.
Assessment strategy and details :
This module is assessed by means of one 2,500 word (maximum) coursework assignment – 100 per cent of the overall mark for the module –Your coursework assignment must include a bibliography of cited sources. This is not included in the 2,500 word limit.
P31793 Managing Employment Relations In A Global Context Assignment – UK.

P31793 Managing Employment Relations In A Global Context Assignment

QUESTION: What are the main employment relations issues and challenges affecting Australia? Critically assess the
implications for managing employment relations in Australia.

Your report should have an appropriate structure, with an introduction section that explains the purpose of the assignment, a relevant number of subsequent sections devoted to specific topics that you have identified which are distinguished by sub- headings and a conclusion section that summarises the main points contained within
the report.

Please bear in mind that this module is delivered as part of an MSc programme; in order to do well in the assessment, and to demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant material, you should draw on a wide range of background reading. Relying just on lecture slides is insufficient preparation; and unlikely to result in a pass mark. To get you started, an initial list of indicative reading for each of the country topics has been provided in the Module Handbook. If you need further assistance, or would like further reading recommendations then please contact the Module Coordinator (Steve) or one of the other tutors (Yvonne or Peter).

Assessment criteria :
The mark for your coursework assignment will be determined by how well you have:
1.demonstrated knowledge and critical understanding of the employment relations in the relevant country, based on a range of appropriate reading;

2.used a logical and coherent structure to communicate your ideas effectively;

P31793 Managing Employment Relations In A Global Context Assignment – UK.

P31793 Managing Employment Relations In A Global Context Assignment

3.expressed your ideas in a clear manner;

4.drawn on appropriate examples or evidence from the country in question to support any assertions made in the course of communicating your ideas, and referenced them appropriately;

5.considered any relevant implications for the management of employment relations in the country in question;

6.and made reference to appropriate academic debates, theories, frameworks or authors.

Assignment guidance :
There are a number of things to bear in mind when preparing and writing your assignment:

P31793 Managing Employment Relations In A Global Context Assignment – UK.

P31793 Managing Employment Relations In A Global Context Assignment
  • You should focus on addressing the relevant set; using your material to address the question
  • You should be concerned with demonstrating your in-depth knowledge and understanding of the topic
  • There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers: you should develop an appropriate argument, based on a critically-informed analysis, explaining and justifying as necessary
  • You should avoid being too descriptive (simply describing how employment relations operates in the country concerned), and you should not provide detailed historical overviews of the chosen country – context is important, but you should focus on the substance of the question
  • ‘Critically assess’; you need to interpret and/or evaluate as well as describe. This means: weighing up different accounts; recognising, and assessing the significance of, different perspectives, as relevant; and developing your own argument.
  • The structure of the assignment: introduction; main body (and a relevant number of sections and sub-sections as appropriate); summary and conclusion.
  • Reading and sources: please bear in mind that this module is delivered as part of an MSc programme; in order to do well in the assessments, and to demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant material, you should draw on a wide range of relevant, academic background reading.
  • A proper standard of referencing and a bibliography of sources used as references is required
  • You should maintain appropriate scholarly standards

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