Assessment Brief:
The Assessment tests all the learning outcomes of the module:
K1 An appreciation of several different theories of management and leadership to enable the management of a leadership development plan to support the achievement of strategic ambitions
K2 A critical understanding of the impact of an organisation’s ethical and value-based relationship on the staff welfare environment between human resources, management and leadership in achieving successful business development.
PGBM141 Professional Management and Leadership Assignment-Sunderland University UK.

S1 The cognitive skills of critical thinking and analysis in achieving strategic ambitions.
S2 The ability to apply and evaluate tools and techniques associated with progress towards an effective leadership development plan to organisational strategic aims and objectives.
S3 The capability to evaluate leadership styles and strategies and their impact on organisational direction.
The Assessment:
There is one assessment for this module. It is a reflective report made up of two tasks as follows:-
The module will be assessed by one integrative individual report (100%) with a word guideline of 5500 plus or minus 10%. The assignment will be a reflective report made of up of two Tasks.
The number of words you allocate to each task is up to you, but you might like to consider about 3000 words for Task 1?
PGBM141 Professional Management and Leadership Assignment-Sunderland University UK.

Task 1 You will provide reflection on the leadership and management of your strategic ambitions AND
Task 2 You will provide an evaluation of your contribution to the management simulation game.
The report is to be submitted online only. The hand-in date for the report is 23.00 hours on date agreed with the Tutor
Task 1
In this task you are to show understanding of both K1 and K2 above. You might start with demonstrating your understanding and application of management and leadership, but equally important is the role an organisation’s ethical and value-based relationship impacts on staff.
Remember to refer back to the Role Play Exercise (Sunderland Soft Toys and the subject specific case studies). You will write a reflective commentary of how the theoretical perspectives on leadership and management have influenced the development of your own management and leadership skills
This commentary will include a professional development plan and a timeline that shows what you will do to create a career. This will be linked to the management and leadership theories taught in the module. The plan can be related to a company you work for, or the type of company you hope to work for in the future.
Some tips on writing the reflective report:-
1.You will write in the first person using personal pronouns, e.g. My professional development plan relates to my work at Now and Never, a fashion house in Timbuck too. I have worked there for five years as an assistant and I shall be applying for the management training scheme next year….
Each week, we will be introducing you to different theories of management and leadership and you will be encouraged to keep a learning log/diary throughout.You will be working in a team for several tasks such as case studies and role play so your reflection should include how this experience impacted on your learning. You can separate out the topics and take any style of report you choose. Perhaps you may choose to write the reflection per topic:
Management development
I read the recommended reading from Week 1 and found that the ideas of X… resonated with my experience. X states that a good manager should….I believe this to be reasonable, but when things go wrong….
Leadership I think leaders arise out of the situation they are in. For example….
Alternatively, you may choose a structured approach: Introduction and numbered points. It does not matter, what is important is you draw on the theories and the experience of the module to explain how you have developed your ideas and noted how you will put these to practice in a work situation and/or career path.
PGBM141 Professional Management and Leadership Assignment-Sunderland University UK.

Task 2.
This task is an evaluation of your experience of the simulation game – you might like to consider the following questions:-
1.What was hard, or easy?
2.What problems in communication (with each other!) did you encounter?
3.How did you solve the problems/issues you encountered?
4.Just as important too – reflecting on the game, what would you do differently in a real situation such as the business topic of the game?
As noted above, it is expected that Task 1 will take up most of the word limit (approximately 3000 words, but this is a suggestion, you can write more on Task 2 if you prefer. You can choose how best to present your reflection. If you feel you have more to write about Task 2, this will also be fine.
Ensure you include in-text citations and follow the Harvard System of referencing throughout.
Remember this module is all about how theories of management and leadership influence your thinking on your professional development.
What ethical values do you hold and does your view influence your choice of where you work?
PGBM141 Professional Management and Leadership Assignment-Sunderland University UK.

As we progress with the weekly tasks, you will change your mind, probably several times! In one specific exercise you might decide you are leading a certain way and managing proactively, only to change your mind on the next task. This is perfectly normal, the best thing to do here is keep your diary/work log up to date, then you will be able to monitor how and why you had a change of heart and how best to monitor your own professional learning development.
We will be working on reflection every week, so the content of the reflective report will progress during the course of the module.