Subject Code & Title : PGBM141 Professional Management And Leadership Development
Assignment Type : individual report
length : 4000 words individual report (100%)
Assessment 001
The module will be assessed by one integrative individual report (100%) with a word guideline of 4000 words plus or. PGBM141 Professional Management & Leadership Development Assignment – Sunderland University UK.

PGBM141 Professional Management & Leadership Development Assignment

The assignment will be an individual reflective report made of up of two tasks:

Task 1 :
You will provide a reflection on the leadership and management of your strategic ambitions.You will include a personal development plan.

PGBM141 Professional Management & Leadership Development Assignment

Task 2 :
You will provide an evaluation of the individual’s contribution to the management simulation game/task.

You will draw on leadership and management theories to demonstrate understanding and application of the module content. The two tasks are to be submitted in one document, and the number of words you allocate to each task is your choice.

PGBM141 Professional Management & Leadership Development Assignment

Referencing sources :
The University of Sunderland adheres to the Harvard System of Referencing. This method of citing sources will be familiar to you now at the end of your studies. It is widely termed the name/date method whereby the ideas of an author are referred to in summary or by direct quotation; then in the back of the report, the author or organisation are listed in alphabetical order. For detailed information on how to cite you’re your sources of information and write the
reference list correctly, please see ‘Cite them Right’ through the following

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