Unit learning outcomes of PSY002-1 Introduction To Psychological Research Methods & Data Analysis Assignment
Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
- of the knowledge base of the theoretical underpinnings and accompanying research methods and analyses used to investigate human behaviour.
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
- Interpret, report and evaluate the methods and analyses used in an empirical study in relation to theory.

What am I required to do in this PSY002-1 Introduction To Psychological Research Methods & Data Analysis Assignment ?
This assignment will require you to write a 2000 word report based on an in-class experiment that will take place at some point during your
tutorial sessions. Your report will be structured using the format that is taught to you in both lectures and tutorials and will involve a
combination of skills to produce a piece of work that is like an empirical journal article.
This report will assess your report writing skills and introduce you to hypothesis testing and descriptive and inferential statistics.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
- Use information literacy skills to identify relevant and credible sources of information relating to quantitative and qualitative studies from recognised databases that can be summarised, synthesised and incorporated into the reporting of your empirical investigations.
- Produce a detailed empirical report using APA report guidelines, following the BPS ethical guidelines, using given quantitative and qualitative methods and analysis that are used in contemporary psychology.
- Generate and analyse data using SPSS and qualitative approaches and relate analytical findings to previous research and theories.