Assignment number and title 1: Critical appraisal of a published article
Unit learning outcomes: 1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: A critical understanding of the principles, analytical techniques, tool kits and methods in health intelligence, and their application to improving public health practice.
2.Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: critically assess and synthesize the role of public health or health intelligence in terms of translating evidence into public health policy through synthesizing, appraising, interpreting and communicating intelligence that measures the health status, risks, needs and health outcomes of defined populations.
PUB015-6 Critical Appraisal Of A Published Article Assignment-Bed ford shire University UK.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
- Write a critical appraisal of the given research paper.
- Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the research study (randomised controlled trial/CC/cohort/meta-analysis)
- Using a relevant appraisal tool that is suitable for the type of research study being appraised.
Potential headings could include:
Potential headings could include:
a.Substantive – was the research problem significant to public health/public health intelligence? Can the study make an important contribution?
b.Theoretical – were the conceptual or theoretical underpinnings sound?
c.Methodological – were the methods rigorous and appropriate? Are findings sound?
d.Interpretative – did the researcher properly analyse and interpret the data?
e.Ethical – were the rights of the study participants protected?
f.Stylistic – is the paper clearly written and well organised?
PUB015-6 Critical Appraisal Of A Published Article Assignment-Bed ford shire University UK.

- You need to provide relevant literature to support your arguments in your assessment. References should be cited both in the text and at the end in a reference list.
- Identify and demonstrate knowledge of the elements of the critical appraisal process of a published peer-reviewed journal article.
- Provide comprehensive knowledge and critical awareness of principles, analytical techniques, tools or methods to identify flaws.
- Propose evidence-based recommendations on how to eliminate these flaws.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

Each week the unit will cover content that will help you to plan for your assignment. The unit content is delivered over 12 weeks.During the first five to six sessions, you will be able to develop appropriate knowledge and understanding about the concept of critical appraisal and then will apply this knowledge and understanding while analysing the given paper in terms of identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as areas of further development to bring quality and rigour.
PUB015-6 Critical Appraisal Of A Published Article Assignment-Bed ford shire University UK.
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