QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment – UK

Module code :-  QAB020N503A
Module title :- Project Management
Type of assessment :- 100% coursework individual submitted as two separate assignments worth 40% and 60% respectively.
QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment – UK
QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment

Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the programme level meeting :-
You will be able to develop understanding of the core activity areas project managers concern themselves with and how they relate to personal and organisational issues.

You will be able to apply the principles of project management to the planned development and delivery of business initiatives, e.g. new products, services or events

Instructions for assessment

Coursework Details
Formative not marked – for guidance only :- You will be given an opportunity to produce outline samples of your assignment work using a pre-structured form and share it with your seminar classmates for peer review in small groups. In addition, informal feedback will be offered by the seminar tutor but you will not be marked.

Individual Summative (Main) Assignments x2 :-
These assignments are based on a fictitious case study that presents students with a business project scenario. You are free to choose the case study from the four options provided. You must take the role of Project Manager and are required to analyse the case study research the best approach to managing it and develop the following items of project planning documentation, to be submitted as two separate component assignments at various points through the semester: Assignments are individually marked.

Tasks to be completed are on page 2 and the four case scenario options are on page 3

Assignment 1 – to be submitted in week
A. Sample Project Initiation Document (PID) including simple budgetary information max 10 line items time scales objectives approach key staff and stakeholder analysis approx. 750 words plus diagrams etc.). Note: a full detailed breakdown of how the budget may be used is not required although you are free to put such information in an appendix if you feel it will help explain your summary position. Refer to the lecture slides for a typical example of a PID

B. Work break down Structure containing at least 20 items in the WBS.
The WBS should be presented in the form of a suitably referenced diagram that must include dependencies milestones and a hierarchy of tasks. You are free to deliver this as a Gantt chart use MS Project to develop this but it is not required. All diagrams should be embedded into your report as images. In addition include with this table a referenced paragraph explaining how a WBS can be used to help manage the tasks on a project and give a further paragraph briefly explaining the importance of critical path analysis;

Assignment 2 – to be submitted in week
You must produce a short report written directly to the project sponsor (approx. 2,000 words plus the contents of the risk register containing the following three items:

A. A suggested risk register containing at least 10 fully documented risks including owner mitigation and contingency actions pre and post action weighting and scores and a referenced paragraph typically 10-15 lines to the sponsor explaining why such a register is important.
B. An explanation of the difference between project leadership and general leadership management as the sponsor seems to think anyone can lead and manage projects and does not understand the unique difficulties project management presents.
C. An analysis and critique of methodologies that might be used to run the project case study principally comparing Agile Waterfall and PRINCE2 methodologies. Explain their strengths and weaknesses and give your recommendation to the sponsor as to which methodology you believe would be best to use. There is no right or wrong answer for this and hence marks will be given on the basis of how well you have explained and justified your decision. As with the other assignment elements reference examples and reference to theory is very important.

QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment – UK

QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment

Submit copies of your first assignment as appendix to this second piece of work so that the marker will be able to see continuity between the earlier assignment and this final one. Simply paste them in at the end and submit as one large document. If you did not submit assignment 1 but do wish to submit assignment 2 then simply note at the end that you do not have anything to submit for 1 capped resits may be required.

So that there is no confusion or doubt, for ALL elements in all assignments reference must be made to established project management theory and best practice. As this is a fictitious project case you are free to make assumptions where necessary and these should be clearly stated in your submission.

Further more you are required to use multiple real project examples both good and bad as additional reference sources. These will help you demonstrate what good practice project management looks like and what happens when it is not applied.

It is also recommended that you include an appendix that contains all relevant assumptions that demonstrate how you arrived at your estimates – see separate student assignment guide.

Project Management Case Study Options – Choose One Only
The Project Management Assignments require students to develop a number of pieces of documentation relating to a particular case study. To reflect the wide variety of ways in which project management techniques can be applied we are allowing students to choose between four different fictitious scenarios. Choose one of the four and then answer all of the assignment questions, to be submitted at two separate points in the semester – week 6 and week 12 worth 40% and 60% of the module total mark respectively.

You must use the same case scenario for all questions as it is expected that you will link your two pieces of work.

Case scenario 1
You are a keen football player and have been asked by your local club The QAHE Rovers to act as Project Manager for a London Birmingham Manchester please choose one based on your location inter club tournament to take place on a Saturday and Sunday in January 2023. Your club chairman is friends with QAHE’s CEO and has got the CEO to agree to the university’s grounds being used as a location for the tournament partly because it helps publicise the university and its campus with proceeds going to charity.

QAHE will supply the grounds free of charge. Local teams will each pay a small fee to compete and spectators will be charged a small entry fee as well. You will need to organise the whole event including agreeing the charity to be sponsored, bringing in any external suppliers that could help raise more money such as catering sports wear retailers and any number of other possible local ‘stallholders’ to make the whole event as much of a festival of sport as possible and raise loads of money at the same time. Assume you have the full semester to organise this with the events taking place in January 2023 on QAHE’s playing fields. You are hoping to get at least 20 teams to take part.

Case Scenario 2
QAHE wishes to improve the informal breakout spaces available for business students and has asked you to project manage the refurbishment and redevelopment of a part of the ground floor of the London Birmingham Manchester please choose one based on your location Campus to create a new informal breakout space specifically for undergraduate business students. QAHE’s Facilities Management department will bring in their subject matter expertise and specialist fitters but you need to drive the project from a student and staff perspective and ensure that the design and fitting out of the space is fit for purpose and gives students somewhere they will want to be when not in class for social informal group work or relaxation space.

QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment – UK

You have a provisional budget of £50,000 and you have been asked to ensure the space can support up to 50 students at a time. Bear in mind that the work must not cause disruption to teaching timetables and you have been asked to ensure it is ready by February 2023.

Case Scenario 3
In order to provide maximum opportunities for all students and to help address diversity issues and promote support inclusion policies the National Union of Students wants to create a platform and opportunity for cross-university interaction for social activity clubs and societies for universities across London or Birmingham or Manchester – Choose your campus), eventually with a view to rolling it out nationally.

Each London Birmingham Manchester-based university has agreed to provide some money and resources proportionate to its student enrolment numbers to help create a new mobile phone app which will provide day by day details of all university clubs and societies events links to contact details and the freedom for students to publicise their own events. You work for QAHE’s Student Union which is the Union taking the lead on this pan-London Birmingham Manchester project the CEO wants the publicity and you have been asked to project manage the development of this building a team of representatives from other universities and driving the gathering of all that may be required to help a development team from O2 one of their directors is a former QAHE student build an effective app.

The app is being sponsored by O2 and they are providing technical services to build the app so you do not need to worry about that but you need to organise the process so that O2 knows what to build what goes in it and when to get it done. You do not have a budget for this as you are paid by the SU already and will be relying largely on volunteers from around QAHE. You should assume you are starting this in October and need it ready by February 2023.

QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment – UK

QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment

Case Scenario 4
QAHE Business Management Faculty has designed a new MSc degree course in Environ mental and Sustainable Business (ESB) focusing on ethical and environmental business issues. A part of the validated course that has been agreed so it MUST happen for the qualification to be valid is that the students will all do a two week field trip to see some interesting sustainable projects. This could include countries such as Uganda or Costa Rica as well as parts of Brazil, Mexico, South Africa or India.

The initial expectation is that the 50 students on the programme will go in small groups of roughly equal size and at least one group will go to each of these countries. It is intended that the trips take place in mid May 2023, after the rest of their assignments have been submitted. You are an MSc Project Management student and the ESB Programme Convener has asked for your help in organising this trip note it is now October so you have 7-8 months to put this in place.

You are there fore doing so as a project management task which will be marked for your MSc in place of a standard dissertation. Each student will be funded a max of £2,000 to en able them to go. You will be expected to drop in on at least two of the groups in different countries so you are able to write a report after wards as a part of your own MSc submission.

Your costs and those of staff going with each group are entirely funded by the department.

QAB020N503A Project Management Assignment – UK

Remember that in all four case studies above

your job for your assignment is set out elsewhere in this document – produce a PID & stake holder analysis a WBS risk register and sponsor report as defined. You are free to make absolutely ANY assumptions you think are reasonable and that help make the project plan more sensible but make sure you state them clearly so the markers understand your logic.

You do not need to have any technical knowledge of construction IT app development etc. in order to do well with any of the above as it is the use of the project management processes that will be marked and not detailed technical under stand of a particular industry or technology.

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