Quality Improvement Project Presentation Assignment-UK.

Module Title :- Quality Improvement Project Presentation
Assessment Type :- Assignment
This assignment has two parts:
1. Presentation slides (due end of unit 11, and submitted in the portal below).
2. Live oral presentation (which takes place during unit 12).
Quality Improvement Project Presentation Assignment-UK.

Quality Improvement Project Presentation Assignment-UK.

This week you will upload your presentation slides by end of unit 11.

This complete assessment is weighted at 60% of the overall module mark. The presentation must be submitted at the end of unit 11 and presented before the end of Unit 12.

Please note: Failure to submit your slides by end of unit 11 will result in a 5% reduction of your marks as dictated in the grading criteria for this assignment.

Assignment Topic :-
Imagine you are pitching your idea for an infection prevention and control (IPC) quality improvement project to your manager, commissioners or the hospital board. Deliver a 10- minute live presentation which discusses how you identified the quality issue for example analysis of root causes your proposed methodology for conducting the improvement project and your plan to ensure the improvement is sustained in practice including training and evaluation.

You will be able to share your screen and use your webcam to present to the group if you so wish You may wish to use PowerPoint or another slide application and/or provide an electronic hand out (max 2 sides of A4). At the end of your presentation you will need to take questions from the group.

Please note :- 
the 10 minutes you are allocated for the presentation excludes taking questions You will also need to provide a written reference list for all sources referred to in your presentation which you can upload to the submission inbox below.

Key outcomes :-
 Identify and critically analyse a quality problem with reference to key literature.
 Discuss the root cause analysis of the quality issue and how you decided which aspect to focus on.
 Demonstrate consideration in your choice of methodology particularly with regards to the background of quality improvement and relevant guidelines and frame works.
 Identify how you will measure or evaluate the success of the improvement.
 Show consideration of balancing factors and barriers to effective implementation.
 Present a plan for sustaining the quality improvement including details of the proposed training programme.
 Show evidence of broad reading and sensitivity to the quality of evidence.
 Use the Harvard system of referencing consistently and accurately.

Deliver the above in an engaging fluent and articulate manner using skills in presentation and persuasion.

Learning Outcomes :-
Through out this assignment you are expected to demonstrate evidence of your knowledge of the following learning outcomes:
 Identify a quality infection control issue; demonstrate understanding of quality improvement programmes considering quality improvement guidelines frame works for best practices.
 Demonstrate under standing and under take a root cause analysis in order to articulate potential solutions
 Develop a training programme to address infection control needs and quality im provement further considering how the effectiveness of the programme would be evaluated.

Quality Improvement Project Presentation Assignment-UK.

Quality Improvement Project Presentation Assignment-UK.

Assessment guidance 
1. You will be required to present this in a live session which you will have signed up to in unit 6) to a number of your module peers.
2. Appropriate sessions will be offered to allow for different time zones with an opportunity on week 6 to sign up to one of these.
3. You should aim to produce around 10-15 presentation slides as a maximum based on the allocated time of 10 minutes.
4. Please provide references using Harvard Referencing style for any material (i.e. images or tables presented from other sources online.
5. You are required to submit your presentation slides ahead of your presentation at the end of Unit 11. Please see the deadline details for further information.
This is a requirement of the assessment.
6. During the live session which takes place with in Unit 12 your tutor will time your presentation to ensure timing is fair to your peers.
7. There will be 3 minutes of questions from your peers on your presentation.
8. You will be marked on your ability to undertake specific research and present this in a concise manner.
9. Failure to turn up to your presentation session will result in a fail grade for this session.

Please note:
In line with our marking policy all presentations will be recorded for moderation purposes. Your tutor will grade your work and provide feedback within 7 days of the submission deadline following the live presentations

Consider your pace of delivery Remember to practice the presentation and keep to the allocated time. You will use the tutor's Zoom room for this presentation – which means Presentation times will be facilitated and organised by your tutor in advance of Unit 12. All presentations will be recorded for external examining purposes.

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