Unit Title : Science And Materials
Assessment Type : Assignment 1
Unit Learning Outcomes :
LO1 Review health and safety regulations and legislation associated with the storage, handling and use of materials on a construction site.
Assignment Brief :
You are working as an assistant to the Construction Manager for a medium-sized, regional construction company that has been awarded a contract to design and build a state-of-the-art Science and Materials Lab for the construction department at Bedford College.
Science And Materials Assignment 1 – UK.

Science And Materials Assignment 1

The client’s vision :
The client is a leading Educational Establishment in the Eastern part of England. It wants to create a world class testing laboratory with friendly, safe environment with ample car parking spaces for its members of staff. It is keen to create a modern, environmentally friendly and sustainable site once completed which is bright, light and finished to a high specification.

Site details :
• Site is approximately 40 m by 35 m at its widest point.
• There is a one-metre difference in the ground level – rising from east (36.600 m) to west (37.600 m) on the site.
• Site location as shown in Figure 1.
• Sub-soil ground conditions as shown in Figure 2.
• Access to existing buildings and smoking areas should not be blocked.
• The total budget for the project is £2.5 million.
• Six-month programme to ensure that the building is complete before winter.
• The site is only a mile away from the town centre
• Site ready for excavation, see Figure 3.

Science And Materials Assignment 1 – UK.

Science And Materials Assignment 1

Task 1 :
As an assistant Construction Manager, you are to prepare a report on ‘Health and Safety Regulations in Construction’. Your manager has asked that your report encompasses how you intend to effectively plan and manage the erection of fence and porta cabins on site. This report will be used by the various project disciplines. To achieve this, you must:

1.Explain the legislation covering health and safety on construction site.

2.Discuss the impact of health and safety regulations in the use, storage and handling of vocational construction materials.

3.Produce risks assessments and methods statements for the fencing of site and erecting of porta cabins taking into consideration materials, plants, and inherent hazards.

4.Explain the legislation and regulations that needs to be adhered to in fencing of the site and erecting of port a cabins.

Science And Materials Assignment 1 – UK.

Science And Materials Assignment 1

All drawings need to be produced using an industry CAD software package and printed on A3. They should, where appropriate, include a title block showing project information as well as being numbered using an industry standard.

Your report needs to be presented in an academic format with contents page, introduction and conclusion. It should be written in a fluent manner with correct language and grammar, as well as Harvard standard of referencing.

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