Unit title & code :- Airline Revenue Management : TAL052-2 2022-23 SEMESTER 2
Assignment number and title :- Assessment 1
Assessment type :- Written Report
Weighting of assessment :- 40%
Size or length of assessment :- 1200 words
TAL052-2 Airline Revenue Management Assignment 1

TAL052-2 Airline Revenue Management Assignment 1

Unit learning outcomes :-

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:

 A strong understanding of airline finance, including airline costs and revenues, and how airline revenue management may be used to improve commercial performance
 An under standing of the economics that under pin airlines the factors that drive airline performance and how airline commercial performance may be improved.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
You are required to produce an individual report comparing and contrasting the commercial performance of a specific named full service network carrier with that of a specific named low cost carrier for the same financial year with in the last five years using principles you have learnt in the course and from your wider self development learning in the revenue management arena .

The two airline carriers you select is entirely your choice. Both choices must be passenger airlines not dedicated cargo carriers Please state your choices and reasons, in your report.

Using your own preferred key revenue management metrics compare the performance of the two airlines for your chosen year.

This assignment is about the revenue management discipline, as covered on the unit. It is not about financial accounting metrics or financial ratio analysis . Liquidity ratios Debt/Equity ratios, Price/Earning ratios, Quick ratios etc are outside the scope of the revenue management discipline and are therefore not appropriate to this assignment.

Specifically you should identify and explain both of your chosen airlines’ commercial performances and examine the way each airline manages its revenues and costs. You should then make recommendations as to how each airline can improve and strengthen its commercial performance.

This assignment requires you to understand both of your chosen airlines commercial performances. It is strongly suggested that you refer to your chosen airlines annual reports and other publications newspaper reports journal papers books or other sources. Please ensure you reference your sources appropriately.

 The word count for this assessment is 1,200 words, + or – 10%.
 Late submissions will not be accepted or marked.
 This coursework is subject to University Regulations. Particular attention is drawn to the regulations on plagiarism.

It is recommended that your report complies with the following structure:

1. Title page: to include unit name, unit code the title of your report including names of both of your chosen airlines, your name and your student number.

2. Contents page: a list of the sections and sub-sections of your report.

3. Introduction: a brief outline of your report’s contents and scene-setting material.

4.The assignment tasks as detailed above. Note : MAIN BODY is never the title of a section in a report

5. Conclusions: summarise your main findings. This does not mean you should simply state what your report has covered. It means state your main conclusions.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

TAL052-2 Airline Revenue Management Assignment 1

TAL052-2 Airline Revenue Management Assignment 1

In order to pass this assessment, you will need to:
 Demonstrate an understanding of airline commercial performance
 Ensure you fully answer the question
 Ensure your writing is clear and succinct
 Ensure you reference properly
 Provide credible examples to support your answers

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

TAL052-2 Airline Revenue Management Assignment 1

At this level it is not necessary to actually fill anything in together in class, although we will discuss it verbally in various seminars.

Level 5 students will be familiar with the standard of expectation and as stated above it will be reviewed in the weekly seminars without the need to complete forms in class.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
This assessment will bring together some of the main themes of Airline Revenue Management Students will apply their under standing by comparing a full service network carrier with a low cost carrier.

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