Module Code : TH6182
Module Title: Church and Mission
Type of Assessment Component as specified in the Module Descriptor e.g.Research Exam: Research Paper (75%; 3,000 words)
Assessment Type :- Assignment
TH6182 Church And Mission Assignment – UK
TASK – Research Paper (Evaluative Critique)
The task is to write a 3,000 word research paper on one of the following questions For learning outcomes of the assessment please see the Module Descriptor.
1.Critically assess the extent to which a concept of the Kingdom of God provides a useful lens to view the missional task for todays church in the UK.
2.Critically analyse the extent to which our Eschatology can shape the mission of the church?
3.The Old Testament has little to offer in our understanding of contemporary mission Critically evaluate this claim.
4.Critically evaluate whether “transforming a city” is an appropriate goal for the mission of the church.
5.The good news rather than being heralded is rapidly being silenced in contemporary society. Critically evaluate the extent to which this claim is valid and explore methods of effective gospel sharing in the 21 st century.
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