Module: TNA5002 Exploring Health Inequalities and Health Promotion
Total credits: 40
Assessment Method: 3,000 word assignment and A2 poster (no word count)
Module Learning Outcomes:1.Analyse how social inequalities influence the life chances and health status of individuals.
2.Critically discuss how government and local initiatives aim to improve the quality of life for service users with long term conditions.
3.Discuss the concept of health promotion and its role in reducing the incidence of lifestyle related diseases.
4.Analyse one health promotion strategy that can be used to support behaviour change.
TNA5002 Exploring Health Inequalities And Health Promotion Assignment-UK

Introduction: approx. 200 words
Main Body 1: approx. 1275 words
Identify and analyse the social determinants from the case study that have an impacted on the life chances and health status of the people within the study. In your discussion include reports and a wide range of reading that discusses social inequalities and include statistics to support your evidence. This should be written in the third person. (Aims to meet learning outcome 1)
- Choose 3-4 social determinants from the scenario to focus on.
- You are not expected to discuss every social determinants from the scenario.
- Do not confuse a behaviour with a social determinants. For example smoking is not a social determinants, it is a behaviour. A social determinants is the wider factors that have led to the person smoking.
- Do not rewrite the scenario in your assignment, we know the scenario. You need to discuss each of the determinants and how it impacts on the health of the individual.
- Be sure to briefly introduce health inequalities and the social determinants of health.
- Critically appraise the impact of the social determinant and health inequalities on the individual’s health. Refer back to individuals. E.g. In Jack’s case it can be seen that…
Below: Dahlgren and Whiteheads model of Social determinants. There are other social determinant models we have covered in class in addition to the Dahlgren and Whitehead model (see images below). You may want to include these in your critical discussion if you think they are relevant.
A model created by the module team may help you understand what a social determinant is and help move you away from thinking about disease (stage 3) and the behaviours (stage 2) to consider the wider social determinants (stage 1) impacting on a person’s behaviour that leads to the long term health condition.
TNA5002 Exploring Health Inequalities And Health Promotion Assignment-UK

Main Body 2:
From the case study, identify one long term health condition and critically discuss how government and local initiatives aim to improve the quality of life for service users with that long term condition. Here you are expected to identify and discuss a range of Government and local initiatives that support your chosen condition. Do not focus your writing on the disease/illness perspective of your chosen long term health condition. (Aims to meet learning outcome 2).
In this section you need to discuss BOTH Government and local initiatives. If you do not discuss BOTH you will not pass as you will not have met the learning outcome. The learning outcome clearly asks that you discuss both Government and local initiatives.
Below: The following LTHC have been identified from within the scenario. TNAs have been encouraged to identify 1 for main body 2.
A2 poster
It is recommend that you use Microsoft PowerPoint for this submission. Work that cannot be opened by the markers when using BCU servers due to incompatible software will be marked as a technical fail.
There is no word count for the poster but you are expected to write sufficiently to meet the learning outcomes, use citations throughout your work and present critical analysis and discussions.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint create an A2 sized poster (size: 59cm x 42cm) in either landscape or portrait view. Within the poster you are expected to:
1) Discuss the concept of health promotion as a general concept. This must be supported by appropriate academic references as if you were writing an assignment.Do not describe, you must generate a discussion. (Aims to meet Learning Outcome 3). Approx 25% of the poster.
2) Discuss the role of health promotion in reducing the incidence of lifestyle related diseases. This must be supported by appropriate academic references as if you were writing an assignment. (Aims to meet Learning Outcome 3). Approx 25% of the poster.
3) Using one government initiative that aims to promote the health of people with a specific long term health condition (e.g. Diabetes, asthma, cancer), critically discuss how the initiative supports individuals at their different stages of behaviour change using the Trans theoretical Model. Map the initiative interventions to the different stages. Choose 3-4 stages to discuss and use these as your headings.
Under each stage heading briefly introduce the stage of the Trans theoretical Model and give a brief summary to show your understanding of the stage. Ensure this is referenced. 2-3 sentences is sufficient.
Follow this with a discussion that demonstrates clearly which sections of your chosen initiative align to this stage of the model. E.g. ‘This initiative supports people in the pre-contemplations by x interventions/action points….’
Then discuss HOW your chosen initiative supports people in that stage of the model or their position of change. Does your chosen initiative help move people on to the next stage? Has your initiative forced people into this stage? Draw on wider literature to develop this into a discussion. Identify any weak areas or gaps within the initiative that fail to support behaviour change under this stage and discuss this further.
You may be able discuss where your chosen initiative fails to support people or where/how it could be improved. You may pull in other good examples (referenced) of where this is done well from your wider reading. Always reference what you refer to.
Poster layout should use size 12 font. 1.5 or double spaced. With headings.
TNA5002 Exploring Health Inequalities And Health Promotion Assignment-UK

Community Case Scenario
George and Molly live in a semi-detached 3 bed roomed house in a leafy suburb of a local City. They are debt free and own their own home, having paid off their mortgage 4 years ago.
George is 53 years old and has recently been diagnosed with a raised cholesterol [hypercholesteraemic] and takes Statins daily. His blood pressure has been on the high side for 2-3 years and is currently 170/110. He has smoked 20 a day since he was 12, has an office management job which requires him to sit down all day. He is obese [BMI 32]. He enjoys a pint or two every night when he gets home from work and he and Molly often have several ‘take away’ meals a week as neither of them like to cook. When they don’t have takeaways they will have meals that are easy to cook such as frozen battered fish and oven chips with a tin of mushy peas.
Molly is 51 years old and suffers with a condition called Osteoporosis. She recently slipped and fell and broke her wrist. Molly is also obese with a BMI of 30.
Over recent years George and Molly have fostered children. They currently foster two children who currently live with them. Amanda is a 12 year old girl. She has Downs Syndrome. Amanda is overweight and experiences sleep apnoea. Jonathon is a 12 year old boy and has expressed strong feelings around his sexuality and aligns himself to the LGBTQ community.
George and Molly also have a biological son called Jack. Jack is 28 years old and is married to Anika, who is 24. They have a 9 month old baby daughter, Anya.
Jack and Anika live in a small rented 1 bed roomed flat which is damp and difficult to heat in the winter. They constantly complain to the landlord about the mould patches in the kitchen and bathroom. Jack has suffered with asthma since he was 14 years old, which is becoming progressively worse. He has also recently been successfully treated for testicular cancer at age 27.
Unfortunately whilst having his cancer treatment, he was made redundant so he is now unemployed. Jack received no redundancy or sick pay. His wife and parents are concerned Jack is depressed.
Anika has suffered with anxiety and depression since she was 14 years old and has been prone to more severe bouts of postnatal depression since giving birth to Anya. As a child Anika had a diagnosed eating disorder anorexia nervosa which she appears to have recovered well from in recent years. Anika still attends a 6 monthly review from a specialist team and can request psychological support if she feels she needs this. Anika has not maintained any long term employment due to her own mental health challenges over the years but is now looking for part time work as a
healthcare worker.
Jack and Anika enjoy going to visit George and Molly and taking Anya to see her grandparents. George continues to smoke around the family when they visit which Jack doesn’t like as it makes his asthma worse and he also does not like Anya to be exposed to second hand smoke.
TNA5002 Exploring Health Inequalities And Health Promotion Assignment-UK

Living opposite George and Molly is Tom, aged 82 years. Tom lives alone in a 3rd floor flat. His wife died 6 months ago and he doesn’t have any family who live close by so often spends many days without seeing anyone. He is still very mobile and able to care for himself but his eyesight is not what it was and he is finding going out to the shops more and more of a challenge. Tom desperately misses his wife Elsie who lived with Dementia for the past 4 years before passing.
George and Molly used to drop in and see Tom once a week but since Jack’s mood has become deflated they don t get to see Tom now.