Due date Refer to the UC Unit Outline for the current teaching period
Weighting 40%
Relevant chapters 1 à 6
Assessment format Report (.doc/.docx)
Length 2,500 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)Specific requirements Include academic journals, papers,and books sourced from the library, course content and webinars, and additional media suggested in the webinars. Use Harvard or APA 7th edition style. Minimum of five academic or research references should be included.
UC9936 Globalisation And Business Analysis Assignment-Ducere Global Business School UK.

UC9936 Globalisation And Business Analysis Assignment

On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:
1.Clearly explain the concepts of globalization and the global economy
2.Identify and communicate the various opportunities and challenges that the global economy provides organisations of varying nature
3.Identify and interpret the global drivers of influence and the ways in which they affect business markets.

1. UC graduates are professional – use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-world problems.
2. UC graduates are professional – employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills.
3. UC graduates are professional – display initiative and drive and use their organization skills to plan and manage the workload.
4. UC graduates are global citizens – make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives.
5. UC graduates are global citizens – evaluate and adopt new technology
6. UC graduates are global citizens – reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development.
7. UC graduates are global citizens – adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas

Prepare an analysis (2,500 words) of the global trends and globalization challenges for an organisation.

For this assignment, you will research and write an analysis on global trends and challenges for an organisation. This analysis assignment is divided into four parts noted below:
1.Definition of key terms and concepts
2.Discussion of how global trends will influence the drivers that make globalisation possible
3.Discussion of the key business activities of your chosen organization
4.Three challenges your chosen organization will face in its globalization plan

UC9936 Globalisation And Business Analysis Assignment-Ducere Global Business School UK.

UC9936 Globalisation And Business Analysis Assignment

Part 1. Definition of key terms and concepts:
Briefly define key terms and concepts you will use in your analysis. Remember to reference where you found the definition. You should define terms and concepts such as:
§ globalization
§ world economy
§ market integration
§ capitalism
§ consumerism

Part 2. Discussion on how global trends will influence the drivers that make globalisation possible
For Part 2, you are required to analyse and discuss one of the trends and drivers from the lists below.You should focus your analysis on the impact a global trend has on a driver and vice versa. Trends are general movements over time that are detectable and measurable. Drivers are the policies and
conditions that support globalization. The following questions should guide your analysis:
§ Will the trends hurt or help the driver?
§ Will the driver help or hurt the trend?
§ What opportunities are emerging from the interaction between the chosen driver and trend?

Global Trends Global Drivers
Facilitating a transition to the post-pandemic economy Overpopulation
Balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship

Resource depletion
Global sourcing of resources Climate change
Cheap labour markets or transportation Increasing social and financial inequality Technological evolution Deforestation

Part 3. A discussion of the key business activities of your chosen organisation.
In this part you will discuss the key business activities of an organisation you choose from the list below. Some companies help the world and some companies hurt the world. Pick a company from the list below, research it, and write about its key business activities. Keep in mind, you will be
outlining a global strategy for the company you select for Assignment 2.

You should provide the following information:
§ Explain what it does and how it does it
§ Its key market and foreign activities (if any)
§ Any broader global market intentions it could have

Part 4. Three challenges your chosen organization will face in its globalization plan
In Part 4, you will outline three key challenges your chosen organisation will face in its globalization plan. You should consider a variety of possible challenges from operational, policy/legal, stakeholders, consumers, markets, industry, and organizational factors. You should also consider
discussed challenges such as future global pandemics. This should also serve to reinforce at least one key market or commercial opportunity for global market engagement or response to the global issue outlined. This will be the “bridge” to your second assignment, where you develop the strategy
and business plan for internationalisation.

1.Title or Cover Page
a. Definition of key terms and concepts

3.Interaction of Drivers and Trends
a. Chosen trend and chosen driver
b. How the trend affects the driver
c. How the driver affects the trend
d. One opportunity from the interaction of your chosen trend and driver

4.Chosen Organization
a. What it does and how it does it
b. Its key market and foreign activities
c. Any broader global market intentions it could have

  1. Three key challenges your chosen organization will face in its globalization plan
    a. First Challenge
    b. Second Challenge
    c. Third Challenge

7.List of References
8.Appendix, in needed

This assignment is a great opportunity to put your research ability into practice. Have a look at the scope of ways in which businesses are responding to global market integration, or disruptions to industry from globalisation. Also, what macro issues are emerging that presents a business or market opportunity?

Try to choose an organisation or business that has some significance to you. Is this an industry you are interested or have connection with? This will lead to a more nuanced analysis and discussion.

Feel free to be critical here: when evaluating the key challenges to global market engagement or issue response, think about costs, time as well as commercial reasons (market opportunities and global competitors) as to why or why not this could be successful.

UC9936 Globalisation And Business Analysis Assignment-Ducere Global Business School UK.

UC9936 Globalisation And Business Analysis Assignment

Subheadings can be a good formatting and stylistic tool here to segment your ideas and thoughts. Use them effectively – the best subheadings act to frame and give context to an entire paragraph and can subtly convey contention/evaluation outcomes.

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