Module Code: UJGUPW-15-M
Module Title: Foundations for Research
Assessment Component: B (Reflective Portfolio)
Assessment Weighting: 50 per cent of total module mark
Please submit a Reflective Portfolio in compliance with the instructions below:
Using your ‘Skills Audit’ from Workshop 5 of Foundations for Research, select one skill or attribute from each section that you want to develop in the next 6 months through your participation in the LLM programme and related activities.
In this portfolio you need to use the STAR-LP method to demonstrate this development.Details of the STAR-LP method can be found in the FFR Workshop 5 folder.
Your portfolio should be written as a continuous first person narrative as you are recounting your own experiences. However, it must be written in clear, grammatical English and in a semi-formal style – remember you are practising how you would communicate your skills and attributes to an employer and your tone should be appropriate for this.
To help you structure your work we have identified subject matter that every portfolio must contain and given indicators of approximately how many words you should use for each section.
UJGUPW-15-M Foundations For Research Assignment-UWE Bristol UK.

This section should identify the skills that you have chosen for discussion and an explanation of why you chose those areas. You need to reflect briefly on how you identified the specific areas for development, for example if your reason for choosing a particular skill is that you think that your skills in that area are weak, you need to explain how you came to a realisation that your skills are weak in that area and relate it to your experience on the LLM. It is recommended that you do some background reading about
reflection and the role of reflection in learning and employment
2.A section for each of the five skills/attributes
These five sections are the core of this assignment. Please ensure that you include one skill/attribute from each section of the audit and reflect on them using the STAR-PL method (discussed in workshop 5). We recommended that the bulk of your consideration be given to the reflection and learning/planning portion of the method and that the description of situations and tasks be kept to the bare minimum. You must also accompany every skill/attribute section with at least one piece of evidence that supports your narrative. The pieces of evidence should be made available as named appendices that appear at the end of the portfolio document (if appropriate/required these can be scans of documents, photos etc). You are encouraged to think creatively about your evidence.
Your conclusion should draw together your observations on each of the five sections and comment on how your practices have changed as a result of this reflection or any thoughts you might have on reflections and skills as part of your academic/professional development.
As noted above, you must provide at least one piece of evidence to support your discussion of each of the 5 skills that you have chosen. While you are free to choose what evidence you put forward to support your narratives, you are required to include the compulsory evidence as set out in A below as evidence of engagement with the LLM Programme whether they are being used to support your narrative or not. In addition, you are free to add other evidence – examples of other types of evidence is given in B below.
PLEASE NOTE: All reflection and evidence submitted must relate to activities undertaken during the period that you are doing this module and not activities undertaken before commencement of your LLM programme.
A: Compulsory evidence
You must submit evidence of in relation to each of the following activities to show your engagement with the module. This could either be used to support your narrative in relation to the 5 skills that you have chosen to write about (see above) or added at the end of the portfolio.
1.Law Databases Certification
Provide certificate in relation to training for at least two of the law databases provided as part of this module.
2.UWE Library Study Skills events and tutorials
You need to provide evidence that you have attended at least three of the study skills events or tutorials available in the library. The evidence should consist of providing a short paragraph outlining what was covered in the
course/tutorial/event and how this supported your skills development ie what did you learn that supported your skills development (max 100 words). Alternatively, if a certificate is available, this could be provided as evidence.
3.Department of Law Research Events
Information about research events organised in the Department will be posted on the LLM Programme Blackboard. You need to provide evidence that you have attended at least one of these events. The evidence should consist of providing the name of the speaker at the event and a short paragraph outlining what was covered and what you learned These are examples of the kinds of evidence that you could submit, but you are not
limited by this list, you are free to submit other evidence of skills learning. If you are uncertain about whether the evidence that you wish to submit is acceptable, please consult the module leader.
UJGUPW-15-M Foundations For Research Assignment-UWE Bristol UK.

4.Skills development in other LLM modules
You could submit evidence of learning in one of your other LLM modules. You will need to identify a specific workshop or activity in a specific module other than Foundations for Research that helped you to develop one of the skills you have chosen.
If you choose to submit evidence of this, it should consist of providing the name of the module, the name of the lecturer, a short description of the activity and what you learned specifically in relation to the chosen skill
5.Work experience
If you choose to submit evidence of this, it should consist of the name of the
organisation where you worked and a short paragraph outlining what was
covered and what you learned specifically in relation to the chosen skill Remember that this must relate to work experience undertaken during
the course of your LLM studies, NOT work experience undertaken before your commenced the LLM.
6.Attendance at Careers events
If you choose to submit evidence of this, it should consist of providing the name of the speaker at the event and a short paragraph outlining what was covered and what you learned
If you choose to submit evidence of this, it should consist of the name of the
organisation and a short paragraph outlining what was covered and what you learned
8.Membership and participation in organisations relevant to your studies eg Student Law Society
If you choose to submit evidence of this, it should consist of the name of the
organisation, a short outline of what your involvement has been and how this assisted in skills development
Other activities
If you wish to submit evidence of other activities undertaken for the purposes of skills development, please do this by submitting either a certificate, if this is available, or by providing of the name of the relevant organisation and a short paragraph outlining what the activity entailed and what you learned
Marking Criteria
The following criteria will be used in evaluating this assessment:
The LLM Assessment Criteria will be used in assessing this assignment. Full assessment criteria are provided in the LLM Handbook, which can be accessed on the LLM Programme Blackboard.The assessment criteria were discussed in detail in Foundations for Research. Further information is provided in the Assignments Folder on the Module Blackboard.
Formative feedback and support during the module
Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your ongoing work and preparation for your assignment. Complete this section to highlight formative feedback opportunities specific to this assignment and embedded in this module.
Further information about this assessment is available on the Blackboard site for this module and includes:
1. The Module Handbook.
2. Workshop 5 materials.
3.Workshop 8 and 9 material in particular discussion of assessment criteria
4. Assessment criteria provided in Assignments folder on Blackboard.
UJGUPW-15-M Foundations For Research Assignment-UWE Bristol UK.
Please use the following file format(s): Word (.doc or .docx). We cannot ensure that other formats are compatible with markers’ software and cannot guarantee to mark incorrect formats.
All work should be word processed in 12-point font Times New Roman or Arial and double spaced.
The first page of your coursework must include:
1. Your student number
2.The module name and number
3. Your word count
4. The coursework title (Reflective Portfolio).
UJGUPW-15-M Foundations For Research Assignment-UWE Bristol UK.

Word Limit
The maximum word limit for this coursework is 2000 words max (excluding appendices).
- There is no +/- 10% on word count and anything after the maximum word count will not be marked, in line with UWE Bristol’s
- In line with UWE policy, this word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc.).
- The references, bibliography and footnotes (provided footnotes only include references) are NOT included in this word count.