UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis Assignment – West of England University UK.

Subject Code & Title : UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis
Assessment Type : Assignment
Assessment Component: Component A & B
Assessment Weighting:
• Component A: 40%
• Component B: 60%
Assessment Instructions :
This module has two assessment components:
In order to pass this module, you need to achieve an average of 50% across the two assessment components AND achieve no less than 40% in either of the assessment components. Marks are recorded as percentages (a mark out of 100) and follow the usual conventions of rounding up and down.
UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis Assignment – West of England University UK.

UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis Assignment

Component A (40%) :
Component A is a group presentation activity (3-6 members) in which students undertake a critical review of the market audit and strategic analysis process utilising their experience of conducting a market audit and analysis on a product of their choice.The group presentation will include a Power point presentation and will be delivered in class.

By the end of your second Customer and International Market Analysis class you will be expected to have completed the following:-

1.Draw up a contract that lists the group members and contains full contact details, this is important as the contract is the formal record of who is in your group. You will find a skeleton outline of a ‘Group Contract’ in Appendix A of this document and on Blackboard.

2.Set out an agreed process and timetable of work, together with penalties and agreed actions if a member should not fulfil their part of the agreement. If problems develop within the group it is important that you discuss these with the module team as soon as possible. At the end the group should fill in a ‘Peer review Form’ as in Appendix B. One member of the group should be responsible for uploading the slides to Blackboard.

3.Decide upon an organisation/brand that will be the focus of your individual Assessment B task and get approval from the module leader that this is a suitable organisation/brand on which to base your work. See Appendix C for requesting and recording organisation/brand approval.(Please note your task for Assessment A is to critically review the Market Audit and Strategic Analysis Process and in order to do this you need to have experience of conducting an audit and analysis on a specific organisation/brand).

It is expected that work on the module assessments will be completed by the students outside scheduled class time.

In your groups you are expected to prepare a critical appraisal of the role and use of a market audit and strategic analysis as a basis for developing a market feasibility study,market strategy or marketing plan. Your appraisal should include:-

• An account of alternative options in conducting a market audit and strategic analysis.
• A critical evaluation of different market audit and strategic analysis approaches.
• A critical discussion, using examples, of the benefits and constraints of conducting a market audit and analysis as the basis for strategic marketing decisions.

From your analysis develop an online presentation. All members of the group should contribute to the development of the presentation and be included in the in class presentation

The presentation should be a maximum of 20 minutes and include a maximum of 15 Power point slides.

Component B (60%) :
Component B is an individual feasibility study that utilises the market audit and strategic analysis undertaken for Assessment Component A. Assessment B requires you to continue with your review of your chosen organisation/brand and in conjunction with the market audit and strategic analysis assess the feasibility of proposed decisions. This will require you to have completed a market analysis and identified proposed marketing decisions. You are required to present a feasibility report that identifies whether the
proposed decisions are desirable. The feasibility should consider both the positive and negative aspects of potential business scenarios that will assist you in selecting a marketing strategy. You are NOT required to write a marketing plan.

UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis Assignment – West of England University UK.

Working on your own, assume that you are employed by your chosen organisation/brand and that you have been asked by the marketing team to write a feasibility study to support their development of a marketing strategy and plan. For the purposes of this task you should identify the proposed decisions that will shape your feasibility study.

Your feasibility report should include:-
• A market analysis report on your chosen organisation/brand (including marketing environment analysis, competition, market potential, buyer requirements etc.).
• A review of market selection, targeting and positioning and key marketing decisions.
• The identification of proposed decisions and the feasibility of these decisions from market, customer and economic perspectives.
• Identification of the desirability of the proposed decisions and key recommendations to the marketing strategy team.

You report should adopt a formal structure, refer to key academic concepts and theories and utilise current market data. Your work should be referenced using UWE Harvard Referencing.

Upon completion of the two assessment components students will have demonstrated their ability to:-

• as a group:-
• develop a critical analysis of the content, application and value of conducting a market audit and strategic analysis.
• produce and deliver a presentation that demonstrates a cohesive group approach to the assessment task and the utilisation of a range of media and IT.

• individually produce a business report that:-
• evaluates a market of the student’s choice utilising suitable academic market audit models and approaches
• critically presents and compares the pro’s and con’s of alternative market strategies and plans for the selected market.
• supports the feasibility study with market data and academic theories.
• is of a professional standard and referenced correctly using the UWE Harvard Referencing system.

Marking Criteria :
The following criteria will be used in evaluating this assessment:
Component A: Assessment critieria for the market audit.

Your work will be assessed on your ability to:
1.Show a clear and insightful understanding of the challenges of undertaking a market audit and strategic analysis.
2.Critically assess and evaluate alternative choices in overcoming these challenges.
3.Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the strategic value of conducting a market audit and strategic analysis and critically discuss possible constraints and limitations.
4.Use and reference current market information in combination with appropriate theoretical frameworks as a basis of the analytical process throughout.
5.Work effectively in a group scenario and contribute to a group presentation using varied media and a range of skills.

Component B: Assessment critieria for the individual feasibility business report.

Your work will be assessed on your ability to:

1.Present a strategic market analysis of your selected organisation/brand.
2.Identify and substantiate key target markets and marketing decisions.
3.Rigorously defend the feasibility of the proposed decisions from market,customer and economic perspectives and make recommendations to the marketing strategy team.
4.Use referenced, current market information in combination with appropriate theoretical frameworks throughout your analysis.
5.Present your work clearly and creatively as a formal business report, referenced using UWE Harvard as appropriate.

UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis Assignment – West of England University UK.

UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis Assignment

M level marking guidelines :
Fail 0 – 49%
• Student appears to lack clear idea of what the question requires in terms of an appropriate answer at Master’s level.
• Unable to identify and apply relevant academic behavioural material.
• Only limited and fairly descriptive pieces from the literature, no evidence of wider reading.
• Lacking specific evidence that the student has been studying the module in any depth.
• Characterised by vague generalisations rather than substantiation of points made and precision of expression.
• Poor argument – difficult to follow, limited or absent reasoning, important connections are not made. Poor presentation and use of language.
• Errors in referencing and citation.

Pass 50% – 59%
• Some references to relevant theories and concepts, and demonstrates the ability to link theory to practice.
• Reasonably coherent and sustained flow of argument
• Evidence of understanding, comprehension and analysis, though may lack a critical approach.
• Most substantive points are supported by appropriate evidence: avoids generalisations.
• Presents an argument or line of reasoning that integrates evidence and key concepts.
• Reasonably good communication skills and precision of expression.
• References and citations used in accordance with UWE Harvard Referencing system.

Merit 60% – 69%
• Comprehensive references to and applications of relevant theories and concepts.
• Evidence of capacity for seeing the links between theories and critical evaluation of material.
• Some evidence of a broad understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ and the context in which the question is set.
• Very coherent and sustained flow of argument demonstrating a strong understanding of key issues and presentation of sound conclusions.
• Evidence of reading beyond presented materials and shows discernment in selection of referenced materials.
• Good presentation and use of language and work supported throughout by relevant evidence correctly referenced and cited using UWE Harvard Referencing system.

Distinction 70%+
• All the requirements of the Merit grade.
• Strong demonstration of the higher levels skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation plus originality and creativity.
• Considerable evidence of understanding the ‘bigger picture’ and the context in which the question is set as well as wider reading.
• Development and defence of academically rigorous arguments.
• Excellent presentation and use of language.

Formative feedback :
Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your ongoing work and preparation for your assignment. Feedback on the marketing audit process will be provided in class in the Marketing Audit Study Unit. Feedback on the Group Presentations will be provided in class, following the presentations and then in writing within 20 working days. Feedback on the Part B Feasibility Study will be provided in
writing within 20 working days of submission.

Further information about this assessment is available on the Blackboard site for this module and includes: FAQ and Module Handbook

Formatting :
Please use the following file format(s) Word, and Power point. We cannot ensure that other formats are compatible with markers’ software and cannot guarantee to mark incorrect formats.

All work should be word processed in 12-point font Times New Roman or Arial and single spaced. (amend as necessary).
The first page of your coursework must include:
• Your student number
• The module name and number
• Your word count
• The coursework question or title (amend as necessary)

Word Limit of 2,500
Component A: The Group Presentation of the Market Audit
The presentation should last a maximum of 20 minutes and should include a maximum of 15 Power point (or equivalent) slides. The final slide should be a list of the references used within the presentation.

Component B: The Individual Feasability Business Report
• There is no +/- 10% on word count and anything after the maximum word count will not be
marked, in line with UWE Bristol’s Word Count Policy.
• In line with UWE policy, this word count includes everything in the main body of the text(including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc.).
• The references, bibliography and footnotes (provided footnotes only include references) are Not included in this word count.

Referencing and Assessment Offences :
Please ensure you reference all sources used when developing your assessment, using the UWE Harvard/OSCOLA system (amend as appropriate). Failure to properly reference your work to original source material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result in failure of the assessment or more serious implications. Further guidance on correct referencing is available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing pages.

UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy outlines potential offences and it is your responsibility to understand this policy and avoid potential offences. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skills pages about avoiding plagiarism.

Text-matching software (e.g. Safe Assign) is used to check every submission against other submissions made at the same time, previous submissions to UWE and other universities, and internet sources. We may also manually search for matches. When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own.

UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis Assignment – West of England University UK.

UMKDFG-15-M Customer And International Market Analysis Assignment

It is an assessment offence to:

  • copy work from any source, including your own previous assessments, and present it as your own work for this assessment, or to provide your own work to others
  • to work with others on the assessment in any way, or for anyone to make amends on your work (including proofreaders, who may highlight issues but not edit the work)
  • change individual words but keep, essentially, the same sentences and/or structures from other sources: this will be detected by text-matching software. Please write in your own words and style to convey your own learning.

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