Module Title :- Understanding Structures In Building Control
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Qualification :- Level 4 Diploma in Building Control Site Inspection and Plan Assessment
Unit Design :- The following unit is designed so that the learner gains an appreciation of the structural elements of a domestic building and how the components within that structure perform.
Understanding Structures In Building Control Assignment – UK

Introduction :-
Dear student in your module handbook you will find information about time tables including assessment deadlines how you will be assessed, and other aspects of the module that I think you will find useful.
The module you are about to undertake is part of your Level 4 Diploma in Building Control Site Inspection and Plan Assessment you will learn practical work related tasks designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge to do your job more effectively.
Below are my details and how you may contact me. I am here to help and support you so if you have any concerns about the module please get in touch.
Guidance Notes on presentation of work
• All work should be firmly attached within a folder with a cover sheet and the brief.
• The work should at all times be professionally presented.
• Provide a contents page
• You should use font: Times New Roman or Arial 11 or 12
• Paragraph spacing should be 1.5
• Page numbers are required throughout the submission
• Always provide headings
• Please use 1.0 to commence your written work
• Please use Fig 1.0 when using images, sections from the approved documents etc
For Assignments and reports
• Please use a bibliography showing areas of research
• Please provide an introduction
• Please provide a final evaluation/summary
• Please ensure you meet the word count
Supplementary evidence
• Please use annotated diagrams
• Please use images, photographs, technical data
Learning Outcomes for this Module

Task 1: Covering LO 1.1
You are tasked with writing a 1500 assignment that clearly describes how forces and loadings are applied to a buildings structure. It is envisaged that you support your report with annotated diagrams explaining how these forces act upon the building paying particular reference to the possibility of the failure of the buildings components.
Task 2: Covering LO 1.2
You are tasked with writing 10, 200 word summaries that are supported with diagrams photographs and technical data on a range of structural building elements that are found within domestic construction. For example foundations for a domestic building. You may consider strip pad raft bored and driven and provide their purpose design characteristics and suitability for a variety of different scenario’s linking this at all times to the requirement of Part A of the Building Regulations.
Task 3 : Covering LO 1.3
Part 1: You are tasked with writing a 1000 word report that explains basic structural design in relation to domestic buildings It is envisaged that you identify a range of building components that make up the structure of a building and provide examples of their use You should relate this to the requirement of Approved Document A.
Part 2:
You have been provided with a set of TRADA tables and you are required to provide floor joist sizes for the following scenarios:
1) C16 Timber, 0.45kN/m2, 450 centres, 4.80 metres in length
2) C24 Timber, 1.24 kN/m2, 600 centres, 2.85 metres in length
3) C24 Timber, 0.56 kN/m2, 400 centres, 5.02 metres in length
4) C16 Timber, 1.24kN/m2, 450 centres, 3.11 metres in length
5) C24 Timber, 0.18 kN/m2, 400 centres, 3.16 metres in length
6) C24 Timber, 0.24 kN/m2, 600 centres, 3.83 metres in length
Task 4: Covering LO 1.4
As part of your site inspection process you are tasked with evidencing a variety of structural elements in domestic construction. It is envisaged that you identify the structural element on site and justify its sizing installation and fitness for purpose. You should make reference to Approved Document A of the Building Regulations.
Understanding Structures In Building Control Assignment – UK

For example :
you have taken photographic evidence of timber floor joists that have been installed in a domestic floor. You should attach the TRADA table associated with this component and highlight the size of the joist to justify its fitness for purpose. You may also evidence a steel beam which has been installed carry out measurements of the beam to ensure what has been installed is correctly sized and the padstone details are correct as per structural engineer’s details.
Task 5: Covering LO’s 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
You have been provided with a set of plans for a residential property. Using Approved Document A only please check the plans for Building Regulations compliance.You should write down each area of non-compliance and evidence this by using the correct guidance found with ADA.
Below you will see a student progress log please fill this in weekly so you can keep track of your on going progress and development of each task. This must be submitted with dates when handing your work in.