Unit Title: Well being In Society Report
Word Count : 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Assignment Type : Report Assignment
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO 1: Identify and discuss the principal global and national influences on the emergence of the well being agenda.
LO 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the holistic relationship between physical and mental health and well being for a range of diverse populations groups.
LO 3: Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of community engagement, social inclusion and inequality on
the attainment of well being.
Well being In Society Report Assignment – UK.

Well being In Society Report Assignment

Introduction :
Explanation of TWO concepts) (a) LIFE SATISFACTION, and b) GOOD MENTAL HEALTH) that relate to well being. You are strongly advised to draw on concepts that have been discussed in the module.

In the INTRODUCTION, you should inform the reader what will be covered in your report. Here you discuss the aims and objectives of the report. State your YOUNG PEOPLE group and the importance of studying that specific YOUNG
PEOPLE’s well being. Discuss the global definition of well being and consider perspectives of well being (e.g. subjective, objective/hedonic, eudemonic) with appropriate referencing. LO1 – Discussing the principles and global and national
trends on the emergence of the well being agenda could be covered in your introduction.

Discussion of the main issues relating to the well being of Young people Discussion of relevant strategies/initiatives that seek to enhance the well being YOUNG PEOPLE. You are advised to identify strategies/initiatives that seek to address the well being issues that you have already discussed in your report. The strategies/initiatives you discuss can be international, national and/or local.

▪ Understand the Bio psychosocial model and relate that to young people’s experience of the pandemic/VERY IMPORTANT

Well being In Society Report Assignment – UK.

Well being In Society Report Assignment

Briefly define YOUNG PEOPLE group (here you may want to consider the legal or societal view). Focus on discussing well being with specific reference to YOUNG PEOPLE. Demonstrate your understanding of LO2 by discussing emerging sociological issues

Choose TWO concepts- 1) LIFE SATISFACTION, and 2) GOOD MENTAL
HEALTH of the well being agenda and discuss in relation to YOUNG PEOPLE’s well being. You could discuss measures of well being, for example health, happiness and prosperity

For each concept,
a) LIFE SATISTACTION- use about 400 words. Start by explaining the concept of well being (life satisfaction), then you could link it to potential factors (e.g. COVID-19) and discuss how this may have impacted YOUNG PEOPLE’s well being,
whilst linking it back to your concept of well being.

b) GOOD MENTAL HEALTH- use about 400 words. Start by explaining the concept of well being (Good mental health), then you could link it to potential factors (e.g. COVID-19) and discuss how this may have impacted YOUNG PEOPLE’s well being, whilst linking it back to your concept of well being.

Well being In Society Report Assignment – UK.

Well being In Society Report Assignment

Critically discuss these concepts in relation to YOUNG PEOPLE. Discuss applicable theories (e.g. Bio psychosocial model / Mas low’s hierarchy of needs/) to support your discussion. Demonstrate criticality skills in your writing by establishing relevant links between the concept/young people’s well being and theory.

Discuss strategies and initiatives that seek to enhance the well being of YOUNG PEOPLE and context. Consider naming few organisations (charity or voluntary services) or helpline services that offer support to improve YOUNG PEOPLE’s well being (e.g. the Mind, Age UK). It would also be useful to study government initiatives or policies that are relevant to YOUNG PEOPLE

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