Course Title: Access to Healthcare
Unit Title: Introduction to Sociology (WJF691)
Unit: Level: 3
Unit GDs: 1,2,4,5,7
Credit Value: 3
Task No.: 2 of 2
Task Title: Applying Major Sociological Perspectives to a Contemporary Issue in Society
WJF691 Introduction To Sociology Assignment – UK

This assignment brief will give you guidance on what is required from you to be able to achieve the criteria stated and an overall grade for the unit once all tasks have been completed.All work MUST be submitted to Turnitin through the links on the subject area of Moodle, where
Assignment Brief
you will receive feedback from your tutor. The assignment brief DOES NOT need to be submitted with your work.
Description of Assessment Task
Title: Applying Major Sociological Perspectives to a contemporary issue in society
Word count: 1500 +/- 10% Please note, you are allowed to go above or below this figure by 10%. If you are significantly below this number your work will be classed as a non-submission.
The task for this assessment is to write an essay with a word count of 1500 words. You are required to critically evaluate at least three sociological perspectives Marxism Functionalism and Feminism you can choose to look at either one form of feminism or more than one. You then need to critically analyse a contemporary issue in society and apply at least two sociological perspectives to this issue how would they explain it?. A suggested out lie for your work is below:
1.Introduction – outline the main ideas of your work
2.Explain and critically evaluate Marxism, Functionalism and Feminism (2.1)
3.Identify and critically analyse a contemporary issue in society. You can either choose one which has been introduced in the lesson or choose one of your own. (3.1)
4. Apply at least two sociological perspectives to your chosen contemporary issue How would that perspective explain the issue? How would they suggest the issue is resolved improved addressed? (3.1)
5.Conclude your work – pull the main ideas together.
Please make sure you:
1. Use Arial font size 12 and double-line spacing – add your word count at the end
2. Proof read your work for spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)
3. Referenced correctly, using Harvard referencing, with both in-text citations and a comprehensive reference list after the conclusion
4. Checked that you have met each element of the assessment criteria you are being assessed on.Work that does not meet the assessment criteria will have to be resubmitted.
5. Saved your work in at least three different places, including ‘One Drive’
6. Submit your work on time.