501 Leadership And Management In Adult Care

501 Leadership And Management In Adult Care
Learner statement
Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.
You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification. You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
501 Leadership And Management In Adult Care

Leadership And Management In Adult Care

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the application of theories of leadership
and management.
Tell me about….
1.1 Theories and models of leadership and management: The theories and models of leadership and management is the manner and way in which you lead and manager a group of people within an organization such as employment or social club. In order to understand the application of theories of leadership and management, you first have to look at the two from different perspective. A leadership model is a theoretical structure in which one manage a team or group of people working within an organization (Dale & Stacey 2007). It normally suggests a consistent response style to a group of people and organization request (Dale & Stacey 2007). While management on the other hand is defined as “the planning of activity, guiding, arranging, regulatory and coordinating human activity” (Dale and Stacey 2007). According to Dale and Stacey (2007), a leader ascends due to the demand for management. Dale & Stacey (2007) also stated that as a leader you should have a characteristic of bring people together in the form of union or association. In additional, as a leader and manager, decision making and problem solving is a key. According to Kurt Lewis (1947), there are three style of leadership and this includes: autocratic style which focus on getting job done and allocates duties to staffs, democratic style which focuses on getting job done, social connection of others professional body, the allocation of duties to staffs and encouraging staffs to get involve in the building of the team and permissive style which focuses only on getting the job done, depending heavily on motivation and  influencing of staff by rewarding them and also promotes and approves opportunity which enable staff to work harder to achieve their goals on a higher levels. As a leader and manager, you empower those you are leading in order to enhance their skills and ability to move the organization to the next dimensions. In order to empower staff, one had to ensure that every opportunity that arises to those hard-working staff that always making sure that the shift is cover even though they are tired but because of their commitment to the organization.

501 Leadership And Management In Adult Care

This outcome has previously been assessed and returned with the following feedback:
This is a very interesting response and a positive start¸ however in this fist outcome you are required to discuss three of the theories or models below in the guidance, provide a brief overview of each one, demonstrate your understanding by identifying and discussing the characteristics of each one and finally critically analyse each theory or model you and discuss the pros and cons

Guidance for 1.1
Learners critically analyse theories and models of management and leadership including:
 L. Urwick – ten principles of management
 Trait Theory
 K. Lewin's leadership styles
 D. Goleman’s leadership styles and emotional intelligence
 A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs
 P. Hersey & K. Blanchard – situational leadership
 J. Kouzes & B. Posner – the leadership challenge
 M. Belbin – team roles
 Management by Wandering Around (MBWA)
 Power and Empowerment: dimensions of power, reflecting on power, sources of
power, defining empowerment, care and control.

1.2 How theoretical models are applied to practice.
Theoretical models applied to practice by using the three styles of leadership and management skills for example, autocratic style, as a leader and manager, your first priority is to ensure that the task given to you is done in accordance with the company or organization policy and procedure. Therefore, you plan and allocate task (e.g. staff rota), encourage employee to follow good practice (e.g. training) and build up a relationship between manager and employee (e.g. enablement environment). Secondly, by using democratic style, as a leader and manager, you focus on the task and the social well-being of the service users and staffs, ensuring that they have a positive input in decision making and getting involved in the day-to-day activity that will achieve the organization goal. Additionally, as a leader and manager, positive feedback given during meetings can also encourages the staffs to go to the extra mile in order to meet the organization goals and being a line manager is about leadership as well and getting to know the staff that you manage, so that you can give the best guidance and advice to them. Thirdly, applying the persuasion as a leader and manager, you are in consistent negotiation with the service users and employee. This involve heavily on negotiating on the times of service that will be offered to service users by the organization, motivating and persuading employee in order to work more and get the task completed (Kurt Lewin, 1947). Sims & Fox (1987) also stated that, this kind of leadership and management styles are difficult due to those that look up to you as a leader/manager because it appears that everything is wonderful on the outside but there are inner issues lie within the organization. As a leader and manager, my role is ensuring that the tasks given to me such as planning the rota/ training, allocating duty to staffs, auditing medication, assessments and biding for new service user are done in accordance with the policy and procedure of the organization. I tend to use the three styles of leadership because you cannot do without the others. There is a task given to you and it has to be done within the time frame, this is when authoritarian leadership style is use and by also ensuring that the well-being of the of the people you are leading which also includes the service users, making sure that their decision and involvement in are adhere to.

501 Leadership And Management In Adult Care

Leadership And Management In Adult Care

This outcome has previously been assessed and returned with the following feedback:
Again, this is an interesting response and you have taken a very academic approach to the outcome, however this is vocational training and you are required to discuss your role as a leader and a manager, the three theories or models you are adopting and, how you are adapting these depending on the situation of the audience. Please use the guidance below to support you
Guidance for 1.2
Learners critically evaluate how 3 theories and/or models of management and leadership apply to adult care practice, including:
 Defining what makes a great leader and manager.
 Your role as a leader and manager
 How you identify and understand your own management style(s)
 Adapting management styles to meet requirements of role and with individuals and teams
 Senior colleagues/team managers roles as managers e.g. deputy, team leaders/supervisors
 Others e.g. home owners, company directors, trustees

1.3 Barriers between leadership and management theory and their application, including strategies to address barriers. There are several barriers that can affects a leader and manager style if care is not taken or if a situation is not address appropriately. Every leader and manager need a strategic plan to move the organization forward (Vlachos, Panagopoulos, & Rapp, 2013). One of the strategic is effective management plan which focuses on achieving long-term benefit of the organization (Bevan, 2011). According to (Tatlah, Ali & Saeed, 2011), that many leaders and managers do not have the ability to engage their employee effectively, recognising the strength, weaknesses, and risk; grabbing any opportunity to ensure that suitable funds are available in order to achieve the organization goals. They also classified this approach as taking the initiative for maintainable benefit. This might create a barrier if the leader and manager lack the ability to establish a strategic plan. A cooperative leader and manager are an important component of enhancing staff performance and the growth of an organization be contingent on the leader and manager to articulate the agenda and implement a vigorous plan that will change the narrative (Bevan, 2011). Additionally, (Farahani, Taghadosi Behboudi, 2011; Chi, Lan, and  Dorjgotov, 2012; Krishnan, 2012; Sahin, Cubuk, & Uslu, 2014) stated the important of far sighted and a transformational leader and manager who know the important of dealing with disagreement and conflict between staff members appropriately because if care not taken, it can separate the group and worsens the situation. As a leader and manager, it is vital to handle a disagreement and conflict amongst teams to ensure that the morale standard is adhere to and also to avoid future conflict and disagreement from occurring which can have a negative impact on the growth of the organization (Aboyassin  &  Abood 2013). Especially in a domiciliary certain where staff are been together all day in the same car, moving from one service user to another, and if a conflict is not resolve properly, it might lead to the service user home, and this can also frighten the service user which might make he/she thinks this is because of her/him that the staff are having a fight.

501 Leadership And Management In Adult Care

This outcome has previously been assessed and returned with the following feedback:
Using the guidance below to support you and focussing your response on an adult care provision please discuss the potential barriers you may identify in your leadership practice and, the strategies you are adopting to overcome these?

Learners analyse barriers to applying leadership and management theory in respect of:
 Strategic management
 Managing individuals/performance management
 Managing teams
 Managing change
 Managing quality
 Strategies to overcome barriers e.g. individual professional development, individual
SWOT analysis of service delivery and teams, individual self-reflection, individual and team action planning, individual=78.0;iy421`management coaching and mentoring

1.4 How different leadership styles can impact on working culture and delivery of service.
Leadership style can impact on a working culture and delivery of service either negatively or positively. An unproductive leadership style couple with a lack of staff obligation and engagement, have resulted organization for an estimated of 300 billion annual loss (Maurer, 2011). Studies have suggested that, even though there has been as much as 34% positive swing in the commitment level of staff which has increased due to a good leadership style and also the performance has led to an effective result (Lin & Wang, 2011). An effective leadership style plays an important role in the success of the organization by engaging and satisfying every partner involved (Al-Hakim & Hassan, 2013).
However, it was argued by Janti and Greenhalgh (2012), that many leaders and manager in organization do not have the ability and skill on how to integrate and implement active plan which will inspire and enhance staff commitment and engagement toward achieving the organization goal. Janti and Greenhalgh (2012), also stated that leaders and managers primary responsibility are to create an enabling environment which will encourage success and productivity. They further noted that in order to foster a change Is to adopt a dynamic leadership style which will enhance workplace involvement that will lead toward positive outcome. Focusing on social change might inspire employee positively on shifting their perspective from being judgemental and incommunicative to moving the service forward to a more commitment and engaging behaviour. The impact democratic leadership style has on an organization is that most organization aim on the goal and progress by ensuring that they work hand in hand with the staff in order to get the task that was allocated to them done within the time frame. On the other hand, paternalistic style of leadership is use by establishing a high standard which will be used to stimulate staff performance periodically. The impact laissez-faire leadership style has on an organization is meanly on the task and goal, how to motivate staff through rewarding to achieve them.

Leadership And Management In Adult Care

This outcome has previously been assessed and returned with the following feedback:
Using the guidance below to support you please discuss the leadership styles and how they can potentially impact culture and service in an adult care provision. Please ensure you are covering all the points below.

Guidance for 1.4
Learners evaluate different leadership styles and their impact on working culture and service delivery including:
 Inclusive vs exclusive
 Open vs closed
 Positive vs negative
 Democratic, paternalistic, affiliative , laissez faire, commanding, visionary

Learning outcome 2: Understanding the importance of leadership and management in adult care settings.

Tell me about………
2.1 Impacts of policy drivers on leadership and management in adult care services
The impact of policy drivers on leadership and management in adult care service is very important for any organization because it is the way in which a leader and manager implement policy, initiatives and documents which is used to governor how a task need to be carried out in order to enhance the health and social care sector. As a leader and manage, I play a vital role in the forward moment of organization, therefore it is important for me as a policy driver to have the ability and skills that will produce effective manager and leaders within this sector. As a leader and manager, it is my responsibility to ensure that the people I am leading and managing have the training and skills they need to do their work efficiently and successfully. However, there are issues that can influence the improvement on me as a policy driver, a leadership and management style such as safeguarding, complaint, feedback and national enquiries on serious case review which has cause harm to the service user that led to a policy being rewritten or revised.

501 Leadership And Management In Adult Care

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