Module Description:
Appropriate corporate responsibility / environmental awareness
and application of environmental principles is an ever-growing
requirement for industry on a global basis. Initially an understanding of the significant environmental issues and constraints affecting industry is developed, and then appropriate strategies for minimisation of environmental impact (including environmental management systems) for industry are considered and evaluated.
5ME502 Corporate Responsibility & Professional Development Assignment-Derby University UK.

The module investigates the role of the engineer in industry and
society and to plan out their own career progression as part of a
Personal Development Plan (PDP). This could be linked with
professional bodies (e.g. IMechE or their equivalent) and the learner should develop an understanding of the varying routes to professional accreditation with a recognised body. It is also a vehicle to develop the technical skills and good practice used by engineers and technologists in the specific area in which they are, or intend to be, working within industry/society.
Module Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1.Carry out in depth research and plan their own future
career path within their chosen engineering discipline.
2.Study, evaluate and analyse appropriate environmental
minimisation strategies based on real world challenges
from industry
3.Carry out a minimum of 30 hours work experience. Work
experience at University of Derby equals real world
placement or live client brief.
4.Reflect on skills, competence and personal awareness
gained from this experience.
5ME502 Corporate Responsibility & Professional Development Assignment-Derby University UK.
Module Content
Environmental Factors affecting Industry Global warming, industrial emissions and waste, recycling and reuse, geographical factors, environmental myths. Life Cycle Analysis, CSR strategies, Product Life Cycle, The Circular Economy concept
Case Studies
Industries that have made, or are making, significant moves to
reduce their environmental footprint Environmental Management Systems.
Current environmental management systems such as ISO 14001
5ME502 Corporate Responsibility &Professional Development Assignment-Derby University UK.
Other Content:
The learner will investigate the concepts of professional engineers and how their career should be tailored to achieve professional recognition.
The module requires you to undertake an analysis of work, tasks
and career prospects within their industry/chosen field.
Module Learning and Teaching
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities
Guided Independent Study
Placement Learning
5ME502 Corporate Responsibility &Professional Development Assignment-Derby University UK.

Module Assessment
Component 1: COURSEWORK
Summary of Assessment Method:
Formative assessment (0%):
A formative review of the initial work for CW 1 in order to
identify suitable format. This formative feedback will to ensure that students fully understood what is required within the summative assessment. This will also underpin their learning of the subject matter.
Summative Assessment (100%):
CW1: 50% weighting: Learning outcome 1 to
be assessed An individual report investigating and evaluating continuing professional development strategies that enhance career
aspirations and employability skills. 2000 words.
Component 2: COURSEWORK
CW2: 50% weighting: Learning outcome 2 to
be assessed
An individual (or group with presentation) report investigating and evaluating the most appropriate environmental factors affecting a chosen industry and the strategies/systems that can be applied and used to minimise environmental impact as a result using a real world challenge
from industry. (Maximum) 2000 words.
CW3: 0% weighting: Learning outcomes 3 & 4 to be assessed
CW3: Deliver an individual or group – presentation or
report based on the work experience.
CW3: A reflective portfolio (500 words) based
around 30 hours of work experience

The Category 1 (12%) activities consist of an equal mix of taught lectures based around the module content and interactive tutorial sessions counselling and advising students on Work Based Learning activities.
Category 2 (88%) covers guided self-study that will be required to maintain full engagement with the module in order to achieve the learning outcomes. It is envisaged the student will spend this time shared between the University study facilities and their accommodation/home.

Component 1: COURSEWORK
Summary of Assessment Method:
Formative assessment (0%):
A formative review of the initial work for CW 1 in order to identify suitable
format. This formative feedback will to ensure that students fully understood what is required within the summative assessment. This will also underpin their learning of the subject matter.
Summative Assessment (100%):
CW1: 50% weighting: Learning outcome 1 to be assessed
An individual report investigating and evaluating continuing professional
development strategies that enhance career aspirations and employability
skills. 2000 words.
Component 2: COURSEWORK
CW2: 50% weighting: Learning outcome 2 to be assessed
An individual (or group with presentation) report investigating and evaluating the most appropriate environmental factors affecting a chosen industry and the strategies/systems that can be applied and used to minimise environmental impact as a result using a real world challenge from industry.
(Maximum) 6000 words.
Group (Mandatory) portfolio of evidence based (Hard Copy)
around 30 hours of work experience
Finding information –Library resources
Finding information and retrieving it effectively is crucial to your time spent studying. There are numerous sources for information, books, journals, the web etc. and care must be taken to ensure that the sources you use accurate and reliable. Sadly some sources – in particular web sources are not always true or dependable, so you must learn to critically assess your sources and ensure you keep an accurate copy and record of where your information comes from.
If you have any questions or problems with using the Library you may ask at the Library Information Desk, or contact Sally Forrest (Subject Librarian –Engineering and Technology –tel. (01332) 59 4015. Log on using your Udo username and password All the online library resources are available from the University of Derby Electronic Library and all are available off-campus.
• Logon to UDo and select the link to the Library (you should not
need to use any other usernames and passwords)
• This takes you to the Library home page where you can select from
“Finding Subject Information” or “Library catalogue”
The Library Catalogue
The library catalogue gives information on which books, e-books, journals,
videos and DVDS are held in the Library, how many copies, shelf number,
loan status, whether they are on loan etc. You may reserve and renew books
from it, and find out which books you have out on loan.
You can just type in an author, title word or other search terms into the search box.
5ME502 Corporate Responsibility & Professional Development Assignment-Derby University UK.
Print journals
Print journals are shelved in alphabetical order of title (ignoring “the” or “a” at the beginning of the title) in the 2 journal stacks on the Lower Ground Floor of Kedleston Rd Library. The current issues of journals are displayed on the Upper Ground Floor. We have a number of journals which are printed only and not electronic journals
5ME502 Corporate Responsibility &Professional Development Assignment-Derby University UK.

Electronic journals (e-journals)
Journal databases and Library Plus
We have a number of journal databases which contain journals for particular subjects. There is no one single database to use generally for (Corporate Responsibility and PDP). It depends on the topic you are searching for. Some are more technology based, others more general.
Some of the databases contain full-text (complete) journal articles within
them. Others contain a mix of full-text and just the abstract or details of the
Many of the Engineering databases can be searched via Library Plus will also search the library catalogue.
For most of these databases you can search in a variety of different ways
including limiting your search and combining search terms. They are all
slightly different so use the help pages or ask. Links to all these databases can be found
5ME502 Corporate Responsibility &Professional Development Assignment-Derby University UK.

Make sure you can find your way around the Library and all of the various
ways of accessing the information that is there to help support your time at
5ME502 Corporate Responsibility &Professional Development Assignment-Derby University UK.
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