Module Code  & Title :-  7BUS2043 Integrated Management Research Project
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count :- Research Project Proposal
(research brief)
Assignment Weighting :- 20%
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
 Determine and apply academic knowledge and research skills to a business issues in a reflexive and  ethical manner;
 Critically engage with the literature relevant to their selected area of research;
 Structure their theoretical understandings to prepare and present a research proposal and then develop  this into a professional integrated research project;
 Synthesise relevant theory and methodological techniques using a range of sources and data applying them to their chosen topic, problem, or organisation.
7BUS2043 Integrated Management Research Project Assignment – UK
7BUS2043 Integrated Management Research Project Assignment

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
 Create a professional management report demonstrating their ability to self manage their research while working professionally with a supervisor;
Appraise and apply knowledge and skills acquired throughout their programme to independently produce  a  research project in an integrative and original manner;
 Critically reflect on their writing demonstrating academic precision about their research subject (project)

Assessment Brief :-
be requested in advance of the submission deadline. Please give your reason(s) for needing an extension –in writing).

Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment
Assignment title:

Research Proposal for Integrated Management Research

Description of the assignment task content and structure:
Each student is required to produce an individual Research Project Proposal which is the starting point and foundation of their research project. The marking criteria BELOW provides a possible format for the presentation of your proposal. Additional guidance notes will be available.

At the point of submitting this assignment students should have undertaken considerable reading on their topic so that they know that they have clear research material to set a strong context around the topic. In this way they can explore their objectives fully so that they can be reasonably sure that they have enough material to be able to develop their topic further for the benefit of other researchers or businesses that they can answer their research question).

It is important that your research project proposal flows naturally from section to section where you are offering more and more detail that demonstrates evidence of considerable and relevant reading to topic as you complete your submission.

Any specific instructions:
The aim of this proposal is to help you build and develop your research and prepare for 3 further research based assessments. The additional guidance and grading criteria below should assist you in designing and presenting your work.

Introduction and context :-
Brief background and introduction to the topic (using references from the very start which demonstrate your engagement with the appropriate subject areas literature). What is the rationale for this research what is your motivation – what makes this topic important?

Student guidance for completing this section:
Here you are setting the context and background not only to your research topic but To any relevant background information or issue that have made your topic one of interest both to you and the wider world. With in this explore why this topic is current and of importance.

It is important that your context setting is relevant to your topic and not too general.
For example if you are exploring staff motivation with in the supermarket sector of the UK then your context must be around the supermarket sector in the UK and not around general retail. This is particularly important here and in your general use of relevant literature.

The aims of the research relate to the purpose of conducting the research and what you specifically want to achieve. The research questions should be formulated to show how you will achieve the aims of the research and what you want to find out.

Student guidance for completing this section:
As you have written about the background the context and the importance of your topic in the section above this section should set the scene for what you will be bringing to this topic and thus what you intend to achieve through your research what questions you will be answering and so provides a pointed and clear direction for your research so the marker under stands exactly what you will be researching and finding out.

7BUS2043 Integrated Management Research Project Assignment – UK

7BUS2043 Integrated Management Research Project Assignment

Start this section by setting a clear research question this will be what you intend to find out overall. Move on to the state your research objectives. You will normally have somewhere between 2-4 of these and they will detail what it is you want to find out and how you intend to do this. This may be written as either questions or clear objectives.

Please use the exemplars available on the canvas site to help you review how other students have approached this.

Here you indicate the literature you have identified so far that helps to tell the story of your research issue to date. Here you must provide Harvard references for each idea you use and present to inform your own research idea. Some call this a literature review but we want a story a history which will engage us with the literature and provide us with a clear picture of the scope of the issue being investigated.

Student guidance for completing this section:
Following on from your discussion around initial context and your research question and objectives the marker needs to understand the depth and flow of your detailed research and reading to this point and begin to form a view of your future direction.

As mentioned above you are expected to have undertaken considerable reading at the time of writing this assignment to ensure your topic and objectives are viable and
this needs to be clearly evidenced here.

Start by discussing the literature that has provided useful information for your research to date. This must relate directly to your research topic. Offer the background development of the issue/topic you are researching along with detailed but relevant history that has developed your topic to where it is now. Also provide detail of what you have found out that relates to your objectives, at this point in time. The marker must understand the full scope of what you are researching on this module in this section. Vague discussion will negatively impact your grade.

You must follow the Harvard protocol fully in all sections

What data will you need who or where from, and how will you source it? How do you determine its suitability or appropriateness? How will you process and/or analyse your data at this stage you need to be making clear connections between the data that is available and how you can use it?

What methods will you be using; in other words, how do you answer the question you have set yourself. Will the data be qualitative or quantitative?

What results are you expecting to obtain? Are you looking for a practical or theoretical solution? Who are the results aimed at? How can they use them?

Use references from legitimate sources to always support your proposal here – we are examining how well and appropriate each reference used is.

Student guidance for completing this section:
Please remember that this module requires you to use secondary research sources we will not be approving any research which relies on primary sources.
This section should again flow naturally from your last discussion, in that now you are offering more detail on your current and future research sources and how you can/will use them.

In this section you are offering more detail on how you will take your research topic and objectives forward. There are two issues to explore within this section so ensure you cover them both.

Start by discussing the data that you will need to fulfil your objectives will this be qualitative or quantitative? Explore how and where you are going to find it. How will you make sure that it is valid current suitable unbiased and sufficient for you to base your analysis on so that your findings are robust. – This section is allowing you to explain how you intend to answer the objectives you have set yourself.

As mentioned above, by now you are expected to understand your topic in some detail and your discussion here must reflect this and thus enable you to identify gaps in your reading to date and how you are thinking about filling them this can also inform your reflective piece later).

Secondly with in this section you must explore what you are expecting to do with the data you gather and analyse. The markers need to under stand whether your results will allow you to make a theoretical solution or whether you will be making a practical solution. You must also explain which person/group will be the target audience for you solution. This could be industry or company managers it might be aimed at an academic audience or it could be an agency or government source for legislative purposes. Please remember that you are researching something that you cannot know the solution to from the outset.

Finally explore how the recipient of your solution would use it. Is further research needed to ensure validity of your findings or can your recommendation/solution be used immediately.

7BUS2043 Integrated Management Research Project Assignment – UK

7BUS2043 Integrated Management Research Project Assignment

You have reached a specific stage in your research journey and this document you are now working on will become the road map for the remainder of your work – so please reflect on what this has been like for you. And consider if you have done enough to get you to the end of this assessment

Student guidance for completing this section:
This section is vital for you as you can now show the marker that you are reflecting on where you are now in your module and how you are planning to execute your research moving forward. It is entirely acceptable for you to have encountered some problems by this point. Please be honest about problems encountered developing research skills time management etc and how you are going to improve them moving forward.

This is in part how you feel about what you have done and where you are in your research journey.

Start by exploring your working timeline through the length of the module. Include and discuss this using a detailed GANTT chart so you have clearly thought through and timed each activity and assignment which form part of this module. Think about the sourcing of further useable and reliable data analysing it finding and plugging research gaps that are found reaching conclusions and making recommendations for the development/solution of your topic.

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