EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment – UK

Subject Code & Title :-  EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management
Assessment Type :-  Assignment
Classroom and Behaviour Management Overview and Guidance

The aim of this module is to enable students to:
● show an advanced and complex understanding of effective strategies to promote and manage behaviour effectively in the classroom and establishing a good and safe learning environment
● explore and develop their own educational philosophy through a critical engagement with ethical dilemmas relating to classroom and behaviour management
● develop skills in designing, delivering and evaluating engaging learning experiences that establish a safe and stimulating environment for all pupils.
EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment – UK

EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment

Content included :-
The main topics of study will be:
● introduction to master’s level study
● examination of teacher identities, values and ideals and personal educational philosophies- CCF S1 8;
● theoretical perspectives on classroom and behaviour management- CCF S7
● government initiatives and relevant legislation CCF S8;
● current practice approaches to classroom and behaviour management CCF 1,8;
● the role of planning and differentiation in supporting effective class room and behaviour management CCF 4,5,7
● the role of teachers as role models who can influence the attitudes values and behaviour of their pupils CCF 1,8;
● the role of a teacher in establishing a culture of mutual trust and respect to support effective relationships CCF 1,8;
● the importance of a whole school approach in establishing and sustaining effective and consistent behaviour policy and practice CCF 1,7,8.

[NB. This module content is flexibly constructed to be able to respond to new local and national initiatives and policy as and when they arise]

Assessment Guidance Overview :-
What are the assessment tasks for this module?
Task 1 : Students will write a literature review outlining and analysing current theoretical and policy approaches to classroom and behaviour management with reflection on associated ethical dilemmas and implications for practice (LO1 & LO2)1500 words

Task 2: Students will produce a report in which observations / examples of practice are critically analysed to evaluate the impact on pupils behaviour and learning making links to different theoretical and policy frameworks that underpin practice

When do I need to submit my assignment and when will it be returned?
Your work will need to be submitted via Turnitin This video explains how to submit your assignments to Turnitin:

What learning outcomes must I demonstrate in my submission?
On successful completion of the module you will be able to…

LO1. demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of current theory policy and practice with regards approaches to managing classrooms and behaviour

LO2. Identify and critically reflect on the ethical dilemmas associated with a range of approaches to class room and behaviour management;

LO3. critically evaluate the impact that practice has on pupils behaviour and learning making connections to different theoretical frameworks that under pin practice.

What marking criteria will be used to judge my submission?
MC1 – The work reviews contemporary theory policy and accounts of practice related to class room and behaviour management with thorough ness organisation and critical appraisal This supports you in meeting LO1).

MC2 – The work identifies and critically analyses the ethical/moral challenges that
different approaches to classroom and behaviour management can raise. This supports you in meeting

MC3 – The work critically applies theoretical frame works to at least two examples of practice to assess the impact of different approaches to managing pupil behaviour and learning. This supports you in meeting

What qualities does the marker and moderator consider when awarding me my final grade?

EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment – UK

EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment

Please refer to the University to see the qualities and characteristics associated with the grade bands but remember that this module is marked on a Pass / Fail basis only.

A marking rubric will be used to assess your work. The marking rubric is included below on pages 4-7. Please use this to plan your work. The rubric includes advice in relation to the marking criteria as well as presentation and academic requirements.Your mark will be decided on a best fit basis against the rubric.

In addition to the grade awarded which is ratified by external examiners at the Summer Examination Board what feedback will I get on my submission?

Your feedback on each assignment will consist of five components:
1. A limited number of bubbles rather like virtual post it notes used to draw your attention to specific issues in your text. Where an issue occurs repeatedly across your work such as the incorrect use of apostrophes tutors will only bubble the first instance.
2. An indication of where your work has been assessed against the marking criteria. This will be indicated on a copy of the rubric within TurnItIn.
3. A short summative comment often pulling out the strengths of the work.
4. Three or four ways forward These will be specific issues you will be expected to address in your subsequent submissions or in your professional practice in the case of a final submission.
5. An indication of whether your work has passed at Level 7 passed at Level 6 or will need to be resubmitted.

What should I do if I am struggling with an aspect of my assessment?

First we advise that you carefully read all module/course guidance and documentation to check if it answers your particular question. Also it’s a good idea to check with your peers too as they may be able to offer reassurance and or advice. If you remain unsure as to an aspect of your assessment then please contact your tutor via email. Remember you can also discuss your wider academic progress and/or other issues impacting on your study with your course tutors. Other support available to help you to develop your assignment preparation is available from these sources:

What is academic mis conduct and is it something I need to be aware of?

Yes. The University wishes to ensure the very highest standards in all academic work therefore we ask you to take time to engage with the following resources regarding Academic Mis conduct and Plagiarism:

How to check your Similarity Report in Turnitin: This video covers what students should look out for in their Similarity Report. It shows and explains examples of collusion plagiarism and in adequate paraphrasing. It includes advice on how to address each of these issues and how to resubmit. Direct

If you have any concerns about academic mis conduct then please speak to your tutor before submitting your work.

EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment – UK

Module: EK704: Classroom and Behaviour Management
LO1. demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of current theory policy and practice with regards approaches to managing class rooms and behaviour
LO2. Identify and critically reflect on the ethical dilemmas associated with a range of approaches to classroom and behaviour management;
LO3. critically evaluate the impact that practice has on pupils’ behaviour and learning making connections to different theoretical frameworks that underpin practice.

EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment – UK

Assessment task:
Task 1 : Students will write a literature review outlining and analysing current theoretical and policy approaches to class room and behaviour management with reflection on associated ethical dilemmas and implications for practice (MC1 &amp MC2) 1500 words

Task 2: Students will produce a report in which observations/examples of practice are critically analysed to evaluate the impact on pupils’ behaviour and learning, making links to different theoretical and policy frame works that underpin practice (MC3) 1500 words

Formative Assessment Task
You will submit a 500 word section of your literature review (see summative assessment task 1 above).

Formative Assessment Task Guidance
In this submission please:
● focus solely on MC1 The work reviews contemporary theory policy and accounts of practice related to class room and behaviour management with thorough ness organisation and critical appraisal
● note that a thoroughness and organisation require you to engage with a wide range of texts.
We are looking for an overview that identifies similarities differences and points of contention between different theory policy and practice regarding approaches to managing behaviour
● carefully consider how you structure your work and your discussion of literature.
You may wish to utilise the distinction made in the DfE Bennett Report Developing Behaviour Management Content for Initial Teacher Training of the Three R’s routines responses and relation ships as a frame work when starting work on this task;
● present your work properly in paragraphs and with references and follow the guidance set out at the end of this document How am I expected to present my work?;
● take note of guidance in order to meet level 7 expectations and follow the guidance set out at the end of this document What is the difference between level 6 and 7 writing?
● focus on one theme presenting a summary of the range of similarities and differences bet ween different theory policy and practice regarding approaches to behaviour management and planning for all learners.
It may be that the theme could be related to one aspect of behaviour management e.g. routines for which you contrast and compare different views regarding the establishment of routines that promote positive class room and behaviour management.
● critical appraisal requires you to make judgements regarding the level of similarity and difference and the quality of the arguments and judgements made in the sources that you cite.

Feedback to the Formative Task
You will receive formative feedback with specific guidance to support you to work at level 7 e.g. raising of further key questions to explore in your literature review direction to other literature policy suggestions for re working sections of your assignment.

Summative Assessment Tasks Guidance
Task 1:
Students will write a literature review outlining and analysing current theoretical and policy approaches to classroom and behaviour management with reflection on associated ethical dilemmas and implications for practice.

EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment – UK

In this submission please:
● focus on both MC1 The work reviews contemporary theory policy and accounts of practice related to classroom and behaviour management with thorough ness organisation and critical appraisal and MC2 The work identifies and critically analyses the ethical moral challenges that different approaches to class room and behaviour management can raise
● note that a literature review includes an expectation of summarising a range  of
different sources that enable the reader to see your under standing of a field of knowledge. In this case your literature review is concerned with two related areas: class room and behaviour management as well as planning for all learners;
● note that your critical appraisal and critical analysis could come from your comparison of similarities differences and points of contention between different theory policy and practice regarding approaches to managing behaviour;
● note the full extent of the two marking criteria in planning drafting and honing your literature review. For MC1 as well as demonstrating a thorough ness as discussed above. Other aspects of particular note are the need to include reference to current theory policy and practice i.e. theory policy and practice that is recent or currently relevant in in fluencing approaches to managing class rooms and behaviour.
In addressing MC2 you need to identify and critically analyse the ethical moral challenges that different approaches to class room and behaviour management can raise this .
● as in the above formative task carefully consider how you will structure your work and your discussion of literature. You may wish to utilise the distinction made in the DfE Ben nett Report Developing Behaviour Management Content for Initial Teacher Training of the Three R’s routines responses and relationships as a frame work when starting work on this task.
● consider using subheadings to organise your work It is normally better to focus on particular themes with in the literature that you review rather than summarising one work after another.This is more likely to allow you to show thorough ness as per the assessment criteria
● present your work properly in paragraphs and with references and follow the guidance set out at the end of this document How am I expected to present my work?
● take note of formative feed back in order to meet level 7 expectations and follow the guidance set out at the end of this document What is the difference between level 6 and 7 writing?.

Summative Assessment Tasks Guidance
Task 2 :
Students will produce a report in which observations  examples of practice are critically analysed to evaluate the impact on pupils behaviour and learning making links to different theoretical and policy frame works that under pin practice. (LO3)

EK704 Classroom And Behaviour Management Assignment

In this submission please:
● focus on MC3 The work critically applies theoretical frame works to at least two examples of practice to assess the impact of different approaches to practice for pupil behaviour & learning
● note the full extent of the marking criteria in planning drafting and honing your report. When considering what a critically applies please take note of the table at the end of this document that compares descriptive writing and critical analytical writing;
● as above carefully consider how you will structure your work and your discussion of the    observations  examples of practice.
You may wish to utilise the distinction made in the DfE Bennett Report Developing Behaviour Management Content for Initial Teacher Training of the Three R s routines responses and relationships as a frame work when starting work on this task. It is advisable to include a more limited number of examples from practice explored in depth as this can allow you to present a fuller and more sophisticated discussion
● present your work properly in paragraphs and with references and follow the guidance set out at the end of this document How am I expected to present my work?.
You are welcome to use sub headings to structure your work if it supports you in presenting your report;
● take note of formative feedback in order to meet level 7 expectations and follow the guidance set out at the end of this document What is the difference between level 6 and 7 writing?.
● note in producing this assignment it is expected that you will utilise the discussion from part one so that the theoretical frame works you have summarised are applied to examples from practice you present;
● remember to maintain a professional respect when discussing the work of other teachers & educational professionals. As a rule of thumb it is better to take an approach of enquiry about the best methods for you as a professional rather than one of critiquing the practice of individual practitioners.

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