Unit Code : 7LMS0276
Unit Title : Genome Science
Word Count : 2,500
Assessment Type : Individual Assignment
Molecular Identification and Analysis of Ebola Virus
Ebola viral disease or Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a high-risk bio safety level pathogen requiring accurate and rapid identification. Outbreaks have occurred in a number of regions in West Africa. In these resource-poor environments identification remains extremely challenging.
7LMS0276 Genome Science Assignment – UK.

7LMS0276 Genome Science Assignment

For this PBL the requirement is to make a case for a reliable diagnostic test for the Ebola virus. Initial analysis should concentrate on the various levels of accurate diagnosis including applications at the level of protein, transcription products and at the level of the genome. However, the degree of accuracy needs to be considered against its rapidity and any associated social and economic costs. Within your presentation and report you should consider things such as geography, climate,culture and society, as well as public health infrastructures, and the part these can play a part in diagnosing Ebola.

7LMS0276 Genome Science Assignment – UK.

7LMS0276 Genome Science Assignment

Remote areas in West Africa, where viral analysis needs to be undertaken, requires that any technique or device needs to be portable and operated by medical staff not necessarily trained in laboratory techniques. Any identification and analysis method will need to be considered against this constraint as well as the bio safety aspect.

The group presentation should contain a background of what Ebola is, why it is pathogenic, its life cycle, genome. A proposal for possible PCR techniques relating to the identification of Ebola and how they might be employed to identify the virus and differentiate it from other similar pathogens such as viral haemorrhagic fevers,cholera, malaria etc.

7LMS0276 Genome Science Assignment – UK.

7LMS0276 Genome Science Assignment

There are obvious similarities with the identification of SARS-Co-V2 (and earlier variants during the SARS and MERS pandemics) and thus you may be aware of the 1)rapid lateral flow test, 2) the more accurate but slower PCR test and 3) the sequencing of the SARS-Co-V2 genome. The latter considered the ‘gold stand’ test but more expensive and time consuming in comparison to the others. In addition,the infrastructure, NHS and COVID-19 Genomics Consortium (COG-UK) are available in the UK, this would not necessary be the case in West Africa.

PBL outputs
Group presentation 20% of the mark
Individual 2,500 word report 80% of the mark (peer assessment 10% and facilitators

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