Unit learning outcomes of EDC062-2 Developing Professional Practice Assignment

  1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:

issues that children and young people face, including interventions that can be used and the professional boundaries that practitioners working with children and vulnerable young people have to work within.

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities

be able to evaluate and apply theories and concepts to identify and create a professional and effective framework for working with children and young people.

EDC062-2 Developing Professional Practice

Assignment of EDC062-2 Developing Professional Practice

You will give an oral presentation and submit your presentation and supporting notes with a 1,500 word reflective journal, completed at set points throughout the teaching period.

You will demonstrate your knowledge of professional practice from one of the chosen case studies in a 15 minute presentation with accompanying questions from the group(5 minutes).

You will reflect on the case study, your experience of the unit and summative feedback you have received throughout the unit and how this has been fed forward to your final individual presentation. Your reflections will be the subject of questions at the oral presentation and will contribute 25% of the grade for the oral presentation overall.

Content will include:

  • What your case study is about and contextual information that indicates why this type of issue is important in modern UK society?
  • A short history of the chosen case that focusses on the interventions that were made by professionals.
  • An analysis of the interventions that could/should have been made in this case and were not (and why this might have been).
  • A critical consideration of why in your chosen case study there was an unsuccessful or successful outcome that considers the professional boundaries that may limit interventions.
  • Throughout, you need to link your discussion to academic literature around integrated working and the types of issues faced.

Reflective learning of EDC062-2 Developing Professional Practice

  • A very important aspect of reflective learning is that it is a process in which we can learn about ourselves.
  • Gibbs’ (1988) reflective cycle identifies 6 stages of reflection which help students to make sense of their learning experiences.

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