Assessment 2 (A2)
Assessment task: Written Assignment – Report
Assessment learning objectives: 3 and 4
Weighting: 60%
Date and time: Wednesday 28 th May 2021 before 23:39
Method of submission: Turnitin via Blackboard
Word count: 2,500 words +/-10%
TH70084E Aviation Management Report Assignment-West London University UK

TH70084E Aviation Management Report Assignment

Assessment briefing and criteria:
“The way forward and related risks of your chosen aviation industry segment. What are threats and opportunities indicated it might face in three to five years from now?”

The nature of the aviation industry can have significant implications for different aviation organisations’ management. All of them face a very fine line between success and failure in any aspect of their operations or organisation. With this in mind, in this assessment, we would like you to reflect and discuss the future of a specific part of the aviation industry in the next three to five years. The report should include examples of management notions, issues and challenges and a discussion on how
these influences or facilitate the management of threats or opportunities resulting in managing risks worth the debate. This will be in report format and should be professionally structured and presented to standard that could be shared with senior executives within your chosen area of aviation.

You are expected to use the most up-to-date facts and statistics to evidence your statements together with academic sources to support your arguments. You are also likely to use specific industry examples
to illustrate your key points. You may retain, and take advantage, of the same part of the industry from your Assessment 1 Essay or explore another by choosing different part of the industry, (please be mindful of plagiarism).

TH70084E Aviation Management Report Assignment-West London University UK

TH70084E Aviation Management Report Assignment

You need to write up a 2,500-word report (excluding your bibliography and any necessary appendix material). Your answer is expected to be in prose. Please do not present your findings as a series of bullet points or notes. You may use diagrams or non-text elements wherever appropriate to clarify your explanations. Please refer to this Module Study Guide, Module’s Reading List or UWL Library web page for further details and information on writing and referencing. You are to work alone in writing the
report, and all submissions must be individual. You must submit the assignment electronically using Blackboard. At the due date and time, no further submissions or changes are possible.

When submitting your assessments, please enter your student ID number in the “submission title” box.The document itself should contain your student ID number in a header or footer; your name should not be visible on the work. You have to include a word count at the end of your report.

TH70084E Aviation Management Report Assignment-West London University UK

TH70084E Aviation Management Report Assignment

Marking Scheme:
Marks are allocated as follows:
 20% – Range and use of relevant literature covered
 20% – Knowledge and understanding of applicable concepts
 35% – Ability to formulate and defend a sound argument
 15% – Clarity of expression and appropriate conclusions
 10% – Organisation, coherence and references

Timing of feedback: Marks and written individual comments will be provided on the Turnitin submissions by 18 th June 2021.

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TH70084E Aviation Management Essay West London University UK