Subject Code & Title :- ASS112-2 Cyber Crime And Society
Assignment number and title :- 1/ Report
Assignment type :- Report
Weighting of assignment :- 100%
Size or length of assessment :- 2000 words
ASS112-2 Cyber Crime And Society Assignment – UK

Unit learning outcomes :-
1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding-
Knowledge and critical understanding of the ways in which criminological perspectives can be applied to the study of crime in the information age.
2.Demonstrate the following skills and abilities-
Understand the main theoretical and cross-disciplinary approaches, i.e. criminological legal and information security in the study of cyber crime and the regulation of the Internet.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
For your assessment, you have to write a Report 2000 words on one of the current areas of Cyber crime the UK government is dealing with. You will choose a particular type of cyber crime such as cyber-stalking cyber-harassment, cyber bullying child pornography cyber grooming and child sex abuse imagery other current issues on cyber crime.
The work will focus on three core areas:
• Explore the current debates discussion and public under standing and awareness of your chosen crime
• Critically examine existing policy laws criminal justice interventions responses and research around the issue.
• Explore what other countries are doing on this issue and the best practices to handle this issue
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass Assessment, you will need to:
• Critically evaluate relevant criminological arguments and evidence with specific reference to relevant issues and debates pertaining to specific forms of cybercrime.
• Employ abstract criminological concepts and use these concepts to express an understanding of specific forms of crime in the information age.
• Identify appropriate information about the subject area from a range of different online and offline sources and construct systematic and coherent written arguments.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Follow the specific assessment guidance on report writing, content or structure
1.Word processed double spaced, Arial 12 Font and number the pages. You must also include a word count.
2.Ensure that you write the assignment in a report format with an introduction, main body and conclusion. A key feature of a report should not be a continuous narrative throughout your writing. In that, you will use headings and subheadings to break up the information that you are discussing not as would be the case with an essay.
3.An introduction that details the construction of the report and informs the reader of what to expect to find within the report
4.A conclusion where you draw the threads of your discussion together and show how you have addressed your aims and objectives.
5.As a minimum requirement you are expected to draw on 10 academic sources if you do not use 10 ACADEMIC sources you will lose marks and risk failing this assignment
What constitutes an academic source?
1) Books found in the library
2) E-books – that are specific to the subject of sociology/the topic you are discussing
3) Journals
4) Official web pages that end in .ac/.org/.gov
5) Policy papers
6) Papers found on Google Scholar
What does not constitute an academic source?
1) Online sociology/ criminology blogs/webpages/ report writing sites/online student rooms
2) General pages found on google (unless they are policy papers/.org/.ac/.gov
3) Articles from the tabloid newspapers (the Sun/the mirror/the Daily Mail)
4) Un official web pages that are general discussions without being peer-reviewed from a university from an academic source
You can not just rely on the core textbooks; you will need to search for other books journals articles to help you answer the question. You will need to source articles in the library, especially journal articles, as they will provide you with the latest research evidence arguments.
You must use the Harvard referencing system to identify the source of all the information used in your assignment. You will find a copy of the latest referencing guidelines on the unit’s BREO site. Also read the section headed Plagiarism and Bad Academic Practice in your handbook. For guidance on referencing sources go to the following web page:
ASS112-2 Cyber Crime And Society Assignment – UK

You are reminded that plagiarism of any type will be penalised and result in a fail.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The assignment relates directly to teaching and related learning activities in the unit whose focus is on Cyber crime. Through case studies videos podcasts films and practical demonstrations this unit will enable you to develop knowledge and under standing of the concepts of cyber crime. Topics would be discussed with the help of educational content related to Cyber crime which is carefully selected to enhance the comprehension of topics and perspectives to be discussed in lectures and help in critical thinking. This data will then enable you to produce your report, applying the theories to various cyber crime criminal and victim’s contexts such as online grooming and other types of cyber crimes.
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