Module title :- Computer Law and Artificial Intelligence
Module number:- BCLA6012
Level :- 6
No. of credits :- 15
Assessment Type :- Written Assignment
Word count/ duration of exam :- 2500
Learning outcomes assessed :- 1-5
Weighting % :- 100%
BCLA6012 Computer Law And Artificial Intelligence Assignment – UK
Instructions :-
Part A Problem Question 60% of module marks
Part B Essay Question 40% of module marks
Please submit your Part A coursework together with your Part B coursework and bibliography as one document in electronic form online.
The word limit is 2500 words for both components. Section A (the problem scenario) is worth 60% of your overall mark. Accordingly, it would be advisable to spend approximately 1500 words on this part of your assessment leaving approximately 1000 words for part B (the essay question) which is worth 40%.
A student may exceed the word limit by up to 10% without incurring a penalty. This assignment task is worth 100% of the student’s overall mark.
Your assignment must also be presented in the following format:
● It must be word-processed in 11 point Arial font and double-spaced.
● Footnotes should be font size 10 Arial, and headings font size 16 Arial and Subheadings size 14.
● All pages must be numbered
● Margins must be as follows: Top: 1 inch, Bottom: 1 inch (2.5 cm), Left: 1.25 inches, Right: 1.25 inches (3.2 cm)
● It should adopt OSCOLA (the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities for citation of authorities, legislation, and other legal materials.
● Upload your assessed coursework in either a .pdf or .doc format.
● Indicate the word count at the top of the front page.
● For your final submission, please do not include your name on your work. Your student number however should appear on every page.
Assignment length:
The length of an assignment is 2,500 words excluding foot notes and bibliography.
You will need to think carefully about how best to explain your argument with in the permitted number of words. The specified word count refers to the main body of the coursework and does not include front cover title page footnotes and bibliography.
The work must be your own. Evidence of cheating / plagiarism can lead to a fail and disciplinary proceedings.
Part A
Answer the below question.
John is a 25-year-old graduate in Information Technology. He was working at a popular hotel called Swathi Hotel which consisted of 500 rooms. John was in charge of operating and main taining CCTV cameras and the video recordings. About 150 employees worked under John. One day John placed video cameras in 40 washrooms. These cameras were on all the time and the recordings were saved.
Subsequently John threatened female guests, saying that he had video recordings of them in the wash room and would publish these videos on social media unless they paid him money. In order to make contact with these guests, he obtained contact and personal data for all guests staying at the hotel without authorization.
Ten of the young women targeted by John complied with his requests and paid the money he demanded. John published video recordings to social media sites of twenty women who refused to pay.
The victims of John’s behaviour have experienced serious emotional and psychological harm. One victim Najitha attempted suicide.
BCLA6012 Computer Law And Artificial Intelligence Assignment – UK
John is an extremely manipulative man who inflicted emotional and psychological damage on young women while also getting gratification from their videos.
Critically analyse the above given scenario and advise the victims. Reference must be made to the relevant provisions of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and the relevant case laws. Your answer must include R v Akash Sondhi
Part B
Please answer ONE of the following questions.
1.Analyze the approach of the courts in England and Wales to criminal liability in
child pornography cases. In your answer make reference to recent case law.
2. Critically evaluate the extent to which the UK & # 39 s current approach to the regulation of online hate speech strikes an appropriate balance between freedom of
expression and the protection of victims.
3. Discuss whether the laws on Artificial Intelligence need to be updated.
Your answer must be supported with decided cases.
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