Unit title & code Human Metabolism and Genetics (BHS001-2)
Assignment number and title: Assessment Number : 1 Measurement of Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity and Kinetics in isolated Mitochondria
Assignment type: Written report submitted electronically via BREO
Weighting of assignment: 25%
Size or length of assessment: 1500 words
Unit learning outcomes: BHS001-2
1.Integrate knowledge of the modes of regulation and molecular basis of metabolic and genetic pathways at the molecular, cellular and whole human level.
2.Apply your understanding of fundamental biochemical and genetic principles and concepts introduced and demonstrate relevant skills to carry out experimental investigations.
BHS001-2 Human Metabolism And Genetics Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
Brief Description of Assessment Task
You are required to submit a report based on analysis of provided data for measurement of succinate dehydrogenase activity and kinetics in isolated mitochondria. Guidance on the content of this report is given below & will be discussed in a tutorial prior to the report submission.
Outline Of Report Structure
This assignment brief provides the basic structure and requirements for the preparation of your report. Further specific guidance will be provided in tutorial. You must read and follow the specific guidance in addition to this assignment brief.
The report should be no more than 1500 words (word limit 1300-1500). The report should be structured like a research article in a scientific journal (see details below).
Your write up should fall under the following headings:
Introduction/Aim or Objective
This section should typically represent 25% of your report. It should summarize the published background literature relevant to this study. It
must explain what your experimental study is about, and place it in context of the previously published literature. It should state the scientific aim of the study.
This section should typically represent 25% of your report. Figures and table should be separately numbered, and be clearly labelled. You should include written text to explain your results obtained from the analysis of provided data in the form of graphs and tables. Results should describe your findings/analysis, but not interpret their meaning. Don’t forget to make a figure legend!
This section should typically represent 35% of your report. You should interpret your results, explaining what they indicate. Don’t forget to
mention the value of Vmax and Km which you obtain from the plot. You should compare your findings to previously published findings or your expected findings, and should place your results in the context of published scientific literature.
You should include peer-reviewed scientific journal articles or textbooks as sources. These should be listed in the correct University of Bedfordshire Harvard Referencing format in a single reference list (see here for details:
The reference list should only contain sources that have been cited appropriately – e.g. (Smith, 2010) – in the main text of your report.
Students are reminded of their responsibilities concerning academic integrity and that plagiarism (the use of others’ words, published or
unpublished, and failing to acknowledge the influence of another’s work or attribute quotes to the author) is a serious academic offence. This is an individual assessment, so collusion is also an academic offence.
BHS001-2 Human Metabolism And Genetics Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
- Produce a scientific report according to expectations described in the assignment brief.
- Demonstrate understanding of the kinetic basis of enzyme activity in the report.
- Exhibit understanding of different factors that have impact on enzymes activity and their actions
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
A high quality lab report, should
- be created electronically using Microsoft word and contain graphs created electronically using Excel
- contain a title page giving the assessment title, unit code, assessment number, your student number and your final word count (excluding references)
- contain appropriately labelled tables and figures referred to in the main text
- contain appropriate examples of how calculations were performed
- Follow the word-limit requirement (1500 max excluding references)
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
BHS001-2 Human Metabolism And Genetics Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

This assignment is based on your findings from the scheduled practical classes and is directly related to the taught element delivered during lectures. More specifically, lectures related to Enzyme kinetics, Krebs cycles and different metabolic pathways that are producing acetyl Co A and entering in the Krebs cycle.
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BHS001-2 Assignment 1 Human Metabolism And Genetics -Bedfordshire University UK.