CHTM38 Research Methods For The Services Sector Assignment – UK

Unit Code & Title :-  CHTM38 Research Methods For The Services Sector
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Weighting :- 50%
There are two assessments for this module. The first is an individual assignment that is weighted at 50% of the total module mark and the other is also an individual effort and is weighted at 50% of the total module mark.
CHTM38 Research Methods For The Services Sector Assignment – UK

CHTM38 Research Methods For The Services Sector Assignment


Task :-
You are required to read the two selected journal articles below and then to write a 3,000 word report excluding references identifying and critically evaluating the methodology and methods used in each article. This assesses learning outcomes 1 &2.

The journal articles are cited below – access to the full text of these articles is available directly through the Library’s Discover facility or directly via Science direct. You may also access the articles through the link in My Module Resources – in any case remember that you will need to log in with your university username and password in order to gain access:

Article 1:
Segovia-Peréz M. Figueroa-Domecq C., Fuentes-Moraleda, L., and Munoz-Mazón, A. (2018).
In corporating a gender approach in the hospitality industry: female executives perceptions. International Journal of Hospitality Management

Important notes for completing your report:
Please ensure that you are covering or addressing all the following aspects in your report:
1) Introduction to report
2) Identification and critical evaluation of the methodology and methods used in each article
3) Conclusion and recommendations
4) Reference to published comparative material
5) Clarity of expression & accuracy of use of English in word processed presentation of work.

Over all you should ensure that you are being critical in your discussions – in other words you need to be evaluating each article in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology and methods used. This evaluation must be supported by evidence from the literature. More detailed explanation is provided below and please note that the word counts for each section suggested below are not fixed but are only intended to provide you with a guide:

(1) Introduction
This should clearly state what the report is about, provide a brief overview of the content of each article and provide an indication of how the report will be structured – suggested maximum of 250 words

(2) Identification and critical evaluation of the methodology and methods
Each article should be discussed separately. For each article, critically evaluate the methodology and methods used in the research. This should include evaluations of the research paradigms under pinning the methods used the way in which the research is designed the actual methods used and the techniques of data analysis. Not all aspects of the methodology and methods used might be obvious or directly stated and you might need to infer this based on the evidence in the article. Ask yourself – what are the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches and why (or why not) have they been the most appropriate to use in each research project? Could other approaches have been used to address the research questions and objectives? Why or why not? It is recommended that you spend equal time on discussing each article – suggested 1,250 words each or total of 2,500 words

(3) Conclusions and recommendations
This should provide a clear and insightful summary to the report. Highlight the key points and controversies in the report and any recommendations you might wish to make – suggested maximum of 250 words

References :-
You should read a range of relevant books journal articles and any other credible sources to substantiate your arguments. I would suggest that for a 3,000 word report you will need to have read about 15-20 academic books and journal articles. Non-academic references such as government reports/internet are in addition to this total. You might wish to ask yourself these questions before submission- Have I referred to all the sources that I have consulted and which I have used to inform my arguments in the body of the report? Have I ensured that my references are correctly presented according to the Harvard style? Have I checked to make sure that all the references I have cited in the body of my report are included in my reference list? Have I ensured that all the references on my reference list have been used in the report?

You should only include references on your reference list that have been cited in the body of the report. Please consult the Cite Them Right resource provided through the library to ensure that you are using the correct style of referencing (Harvard). Please also pay attention to information on Plagiarism to ensure that you avoid this.

Clarity of expression & accuracy of use of English in word processed presentation of work.

Please ensure that you check over your work to correct all grammatical and language errors as far as it is possible for you to do so before you submit your work. Please ensure that your work is presented neatly –use fonts that are easy to read such as Times New Roman Arial Calibri and that font size is no less than 11 point. Line spacing should be 1.5-2 lines. You should include subheadings and ensure that you do not have very long or very short paragraphs – as a guide a paragraph should be about 10 lines long or about 150 words.

Task :-

You are required to write a proposal for a major tourism hospitality events or aviation related research project.

This proposal should have a maximum of 3,000 words excluding references). You need to include the following in your research proposal:

(1) The title for your research – please provide a title that accurately reflects what the research is about. Ensure that this title is concise and clear.

CHTM38 Research Methods For The Services Sector Assignment – UK

(2) The rationale justification for and background to this research project that is why
is the research necessary and how will it advance our knowledge and under standing of the selected topic area? What is the back ground to this topic?

Is this an original idea that has not been explored before or explored in this way before? In order to provide the rationale or justification and the back ground to this research project you will need to do a review of the published literature surrounding this topic in order to identify the research gap.

(3) Research Questions Aims and Objectives what questions are you seeking to address through your proposed research?
What are the specific aims and objectives of this research project?

Remember that aims provide a general idea of what the research seeks to find out while objectives are more specific and should provide an indication of how these aims will be achieved.

Objectives should be Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant or Realistic and Time bound SMART. There is no point coming up with a fantastic idea for a research project if your objectives are not SMART! Try not to have too many objectives  a maximum of 4 is a useful guide. It is also good practice to only have one or two central research questions.

CHTM38 Research Methods For The Services Sector Assignment – UK

CHTM38 Research Methods For The Services Sector Assignment

(4) Research methods – what method(s) of research will you use to under take your research?
Can you justify the use of these method(s) – in other words why are these method(s)
appropriate for the research that you plan to undertake? You must include primary
research in this research project.

(5) Data collection and analysis – how will you collect the data? What kind of sampling technique will you use? Will you have easy access to the people materials you will need?
How do you propose to analyse the data?

(6) Time scale – please provide a time plan that indicates the specific tasks to be completed and when these will be completed. Note that the time scale should be the same as the time you will have to conduct your major project.

(7) References – please provide a list of references that you have used in writing the proposal. I would suggest as a guide that you will need to consult about 15 academic references. Harvard style should be used.

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