CIS047-3 Agile Project Management Assignment

Unit title & code :- Agile Project Management (CIS047-3)
Assignment number and title :- Referral Assessment 1: PRINCE 2 Documentation
Assessment :- type
Weighting of assessment :- 70%
Unit learning outcomes :-
1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:
Differentiate and critically appreciate the professional ethical and social context of a project management methodology and its instantiation into practical application both generic and specific to the subject area of your course.
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:
Coherently analyse and evaluate a professional project management methodology for a collaborative project in view of its societal commercial and economic context as well as its ethical implications based on individually based and direct project management experience including the relevant business goals associated with the project.
CIS047-3 Agile Project Management Assignment

CIS047-3 Agile Project Management Assignment

What am I required to do in this assignment?
This assignment is for those students who have been referred in task 1

Note: If you had mitigation approved then you need to complete the given task as described here but will be graded against the original marking scheme as shown later in this document.

Task overview :- 
You are required to complete the project plan, risk plan and quality plan templates provided via Breo. The documents should be filled in using your final year project as the project that these documents refer to. The red text in the templates is there for assistance and should be entirely removed prior to submission. The Risk Plan has been partially filled in with example text to help you understand how it needs to be completed. This example text should be replaced with relevant information from your project. All completed documents must be submitted via BREO.

Is there a size limit?

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass Assessment 1 you will need to:
 Evidence how key areas of professional project management including risk and quality assessment have been dealt with in your final year project.

CIS047-3 Agile Project Management Assignment

CIS047-3 Agile Project Management Assignment

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
A focused approach to the project documentation is key to attaining a good grade. Be clear and concise in the delivery of the relevant information in your paperwork. Being well read on the subject matter tends to translate well too.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
You will be exposed to project management approaches under pinned by the theory of project management that encompass the knowledge area of scope time cost risk quality stakeholders human resources communication and procurement. You will apply this methodology to a task that is defined by project constraints but which has to be detailed here.

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