Module Code : CO7115
Module Title : Research Methods
Learning Outcomes Assessed :-
1.Select and investigate a topic of relevance to the program of study and propose new directions for research in that area
2.Demonstrate a critical understanding of the concept and demands of postgraduate research, and be able to critically evaluate current research problems
4.Show a systematic understanding, and a critical awareness of current practice in CS research.
CO7115 Research Methods Assignment – Chester University UK.
Assignment Brief :-
One of the essential skills for postgraduate students and/or researchers is the ability to critically evaluate information. This skill is particularly important in understanding other researchers’ work and the production of literature reviews, where a critical appraisal or analysis of the literature is required.
“Writing a Critical Review” is a general guide brochure explaining what critical review of literature is. Your assignment is to read and use it as a guide to write a report in which you critically evaluate the following two research papers, which are both from academic journals in the fields of computer science and cyber security:-
CO7115 Research Methods Assignment – Chester University UK.
Assessment Criteria :
A pass mark will be awarded for a clear, well-structured essay on the given topic, in the correct format (i.e. using the IEEE templated provided) in which all elements of the two papers have been addressed, with appropriate references to relevant theory included. Evidence of comparison between the two source papers is essential, as is evidence of reflection on similarities and differences between them, and the document must be in the correct format. A higher pass will be awarded an essay which includes all of the above, with additional evidence of wider reading and research into the subject which goes well beyond the materials covered in lectures. Top marks will only be awarded for professional level work. This is work that can be used for demonstration to future students, at open days and as part of an online portfolio. Students are reminded that for this to be the case it is essential that all non-original work needs to be
referenced correctly in APA style.
CO7115 Research Methods Assignment – Chester University UK.
Extensions :
Due to the timing of the deadline of this assignment, it is not possible to be granted an extension. If you know in advance of the deadline that you will not be able to submit work, you should apply for a deferral to the next assessment period. This can be done using the system at the Registry services pages on Portal.
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