COM742 Postgraduate Study And Research Methods Assignment 2 – Wrexham Glyndwr University UK.

Subject Code & Title : COM742 Postgraduate Study And Research Methods
Assessment Type : Assignment 2
Assignment Task : As a group, you are required to conduct an appropriate research activity (the choice of which is at your discretion, but should be discussed with your module tutor). This activity may take several forms and could be, for example: a survey or questionnaire; piece of experimental work; observational study; desk- based literature review; secondary data analysis; systematic review; meta-analysis; interview; and soon. This activity should follow a clearly defined area of investigation that you will select. Initially, you must be clear in defining a hypothesis or question that your research activity will address. This will form the basis for all of the work in this assignment.
COM742 Postgraduate Study And Research Methods Assignment 2 – Wrexham Glyndwr University UK.

COM742 Postgraduate Study And Research Methods Assignment 2

The submission for this task will take the form of a ‘wrapped up’ presentation in an audio-visual form that can be viewed/watched by others (to mark it). Typically this would be a PowerPoint presentation, recorded as a show or other video form. The ‘duration’ should be about 20 minutes, which would typically be 10-15 slides – not including title slides and appendices of references or supporting material(which could be extensive).

Your presentation should be structured in an appropriate way but should consider: the motivation and rationale for the research; a brief summary of related literature; description of the chosen methodology; research design; presentation of data and analysis; results or findings; and conclusions. Your work should make use of appropriate references. Central to the study should be a research hypothesis,which you seek to prove or disprove.

You should gain the approval of your module leader before starting work by submitting a brief research proposal, which must include a brief research plan, written prior to starting any research activities, highlighting the main activities to be carried out, their duration, objectives, and how you will acquire the skills needed to execute each of these actions.

Important Note: You are required to complete, and gain the endorsement of your lecturer for, an Ethical approval of research projects in taught programmes form prior to beginning any data collection or experimental work. This form can be found on the module Moodle page and should be submitted via email to the module tutor. Responses from the tutor regarding ethical approval will be given via email.The request for ethical approval documentation is required but does not form part of the marked submission for this assignment. It is likely, in most cases, that your module leader will be able to give ethical approval but check this with them before you proceed.

COM742 Postgraduate Study And Research Methods Assignment 2

Guidance :
In evaluating your research hypothesis, provided your methodology is sound, then proving your hypothesis, disproving it or finding the result inconclusive are equally valid research contributions.

Note that, when ‘presenting’ your work, you would normally be able to ‘talk over’ the slides to impart extra detail or material. As you’re going to now be submitting the presentations remotely, you need to consider how to add this extra content? For example notes pages within PowerPoint is OK but a proper video recording would get the job done better?

In formulating your work and structuring your presentation, you may wish to consider the following:
• Existing data and results already available on the subject
• The independent and dependent variables
• Populations, sampling approach and sample sizes
• The types of variables you will work with
• A description and justification of the method you will use
• Ethical considerations
• Constraints and controls you have identified and/or assumed
• Data collection methods
• Techniques for data analysis and visualisation
• Statistical testing or analysis
• The reliability and validity of your research data

Try to be as concise and focused as you can be in producing your presentation. Don’t add words for the sake of it. Make sure each word and sentence contributes something useful.

Make use of the various digital library subscriptions that the University has access to, particularly IEEE Xplore and the ACM Digital Library, as well as Google Scholar.

You may obtain further guidance from your lecturer and specific, formative feedback upon your efforts during the process will be provided during the online tutorials.

Assessment :

Learning Outcome :
1.Display a mastery of communicating computing and IT related information
2. Synthesise and iterate a professional plan for a research study
3.Demonstrate a critical understanding of research methodologies in computing

COM742 Postgraduate Study And Research Methods Assignment 2 – Wrexham Glyndwr University UK.

COM742 Postgraduate Study And Research Methods Assignment 2

Assessment Task :
A.Appropriate presentation of material
B.Formulate a time-based plan to undertake the activities that will allow you to address the research hypotheses / question. This plan should show corresponding actions and measureable objectives that will evidence the development of your research skills.
c.Perform appropriate experiments or investigations, analyse, test and comment upon the significance, validity and reliability of information being used. Justify the choice of research method(s) employed. Plan, gather and analyse
information in a range of different forms.

This assignment is worth 50% of your overall module grade.

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