EDC028-2 Early Representations of Literacy & Numeracy Assignment – Bedfordshire University UK.

EDC028-2 Early Representations of Literacy & Numeracy Assignment.An oral presentation of 10 minutes with accompanying written notes considering the nature of one aspect of young children’s early representation in relation to theory and research. You will be asked questions at the end of your presentation.
Please select ONE topic from the choices listed below:

  • ‘ Reading and writing float on a sea of talk’ Britton, J. (1983, p.11) – the importance of talk in developing early literacy and numeracy
  • The importance of multi modal representation and young children’s early mark making
  • From scribbles to letters – the development of early mark making in young children
  • The importance of children’s schemas and early mark making.
EDC028-2 Early Representations of Literacy & Numeracy

Unit learning outcomes of Early Representations of Literacy & Numeracy Assignment

  1. Know and understand the nature of learning and development in the first few years of a child’s life with specific reference to early literacy and numeracy development
  2. To be able to analyse historical and contemporary theoretical perspectives on, and approaches to, the nature of children’s early representations of literacy and numeracy.

What am I required to do in this Early Representations of Literacy & Numeracy Assignment

This element of the assessment will allow students to demonstrate, in a well-structured oral presentation with accompanying notes, a critical and analytical understanding of the theoretical perspectives concerning young children’s early representations.

You will be asked questions at the end of the presentation by the marking tutor/s and the audience.

You need to design and present a presentation which is informed by literature, policy and research, is fully referenced on slides and in the reference list and has suitable images to illustrate the content of the slides. You will need to consider potential questions that might be asked after your presentation, plan potential answers and then think on your feet as you respond to the questions asked.

Specific assessment guidance on presentation, content or structure will be given in BREO in the assessment and feedback tab. Please ensure you have looked at this before submitting your assessment. It is your responsibility to
submit the correct document that you wish to be marked.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

  1. Demonstrated a knowledge and understanding of the nature of the development of early representation in the first few years of a child’s life
  2. Demonstrate the ability to select appropriate information and represent it orally in a clear and structured manner

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