EDC208-3 Quality In The Early Years Assignment – UK.

Subject Code & Title : EDC208-3 Quality In The Early Years
Length : 750 words in length (+/-10%).
What is a patchwork assessment and why are we using it in this unit?
“The essence of a patchwork is that it consists of a variety of small sections, each of which is complete in itself, and that the overall unity of these component sections, although planned in advance, is finalized retrospectively, when they are ‘stitched together’.” Winter 3,000 words. Each patch must be 750 words in length (+/-10%). Each patch will have separate reference list please see what reference I need for each. For the patch number 3 and 4 I will upload the data which will be examine in the patch. This you need to do with the data: DESCRIBE 3 THINGS from the data : need s to think what data shows for the patch number 3 and 4
EDC208-3 Quality In The Early Years Assignment – UK.

EDC208-3 Quality In The Early Years Assignment

ANALYSE: what factors might contribute to what this data shows? Why this data it is what it is?
EVALUATE: What does it means for the children or setting or practitioners?
What impact might this have on them?

The patch number 1 and 2 needs to answer the questions by describing, analysing, evaluating for this patches you don`t have any data!!!!!

1.Claxton and Carr (2004) recommend that practitioners develop a potentiating environment. Reflect on what this looks like and means for children in any chosen age group within the EYFS.

2.Additional patch option on Covid and Quality

How might the Covid 19 pandemic have affected children’s well being and how might this be a continuing issue impacting on the quality children’s learning in early childhood settings?

Children from disadvantaged backgrounds did not always have access to the variety of toys at home that they do in an early years setting, the briefing found.

EDC208-3 Quality In The Early Years Assignment – UK.

EDC208-3 Quality In The Early Years Assignment

Some children had not experienced outdoor play while away from their setting, as they lived in flats or had family members who were particularly concerned about contracting Covid-19. Some children who speak English as an additional language had had limited opportunities to speak and hear English during this time.

Providers that stayed open said children who attended the setting continued to make the progress they expected.

Many children who were at home also thrived when their parents were able to spend quality time with them. However, providers recognised that many parents experienced pressures,making it difficult for them to do this. This prevented some children from developing their language and communication and their physical skills. For example, some children had become more sedentary and others had become more reserved and withdrawn.

Covid and emotional well being
This has been a challenging time for young children, families and settings and has undoubtedly has an impact of their emotional well being. Here are some useful articles that discuss this.

EDC208-3 Quality In The Early Years Assignment – UK.

EDC208-3 Quality In The Early Years Assignment

3.Using the data given, examine what it tells you about the practice of shared sustained thinking in the setting, and reflect upon how practice and provision might be adapted to improve outcomes for young children.

4.Using the ECERS data provided, examine what it tells you about the setting.Reflect upon how you might adapt the practice here to provide a more enriched and stimulating experience for the children.

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