Unit Code & Title :- EYS2120 Work Based Learning Report
Word count:- Report: 2000 words
Appendices:- Around 500 words
Assignment Type :- Assessment
In order to progress from level 5 (year 2) to level 6 (year 3) you are required to pass both the report and placement elements.
Title: A critical evaluation of how the placement experience promotes a sense of belonging for all
The aim of this report is to reflect on practice experiences of diversity and inclusion within your placement experience.
EYS2120 Work Based Learning Report Assessment – UK.
Your tasks whilst on placement :-
To write this report you will need to complete some tasks research whilst on placement.These will give you the information that you need to back up the points that you are making throughout your report. The tasks are as follows:
Task one: Find out about the setting.
Find out about the setting. How many children does it cater for, what ages, number of staff, rooms etc? Where do most of the children come from? What are the demographics of surrounding area? How many children have special educational needs disabilities?
To complete this, you may need to
1. read the latest Ofsted report
2. walk around the local area
3. use information from the Web page and talk to your mentor
4. refer to the local profile
Task two: Complete a personal log of your professional and employ ability skills.
Complete the personal log of your professional skills.
You will have been using this up to now to keep a track of your developing professional and employable skills.On placement you will use these skills further and develop them throughout your time within the setting. You might not get an opportunity to develop in all of the areas, however, if this is the case; write in the relevant section what you believe that you could have done to develop this skill if you had been in the setting for more time. This could form a personal target for your placement in Year three.
The headings are:-
• Communication
• Team working
• Positive work ethics
• Networking
• Organising and action planning
• Problem solving, analysis and investigating
• Leadership
• Self-management and reflective learning
• Opportunity recognition
• Influence, persuading and negotiating
EYS2120 Work Based Learning Report Assessment – UK.
If you need extra help thinking of what to include, examples of what you might consider under each of these headings are given on the checklist, a copy of which can be found on the EYS2120 Nile Site.
Task 3: Carry out an activity to promote diversity and inclusion
Plan, implement and evaluate an activity for a small group of children (or adults if children are totally unavailable) with the aim of promoting diversity and inclusion. You will need to identify the need for your activity (e.g. the rationale).
Using the lesson plan format provided (within the Nile site for this module), you need to plan the activity in detail. Consider the following:
A.You will need to gain the setting’s permission (if carried out with children) before you carry out this activity. (A template for this is provided at the end of this document)
B.What resources will be required?
C.Any specific vocabulary that you might need to use?
D.Any health and safety requirements?
E.Any adaptations or additions required to make it as inclusive as possible for all?
The work-based report :-
The report focuses on diversity and inclusion and when completing the report you will:
1.analyse the context to demonstrate an understanding of the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) setting and of the children’s needs.
2.discuss how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted with children and adults in the ECEC setting.
3.evaluate the strategies and techniques that are used to promote inclusion.
4.discuss the importance of the multi-professional roles in promoting inclusion.
5.discuss how the multi-professionals engage with children and their families carers.
6.discuss the importance of and self-evaluate, using the Change maker attributes,your own skills whilst at placement.
General guidance for completion of the report
The focus of this year 2 placement is diversity and inclusion.
*As this is a report it will have headings and sub-headings
Organisation of the report Your work will be set out and submitted in the following order:
Front sheet completed to show what specifically you are working on based on previous assignment feedback
Learning outcome and graduate practitioner competency grid completed to show how you have met the requirements
Confidentiality Statement (This is not counted in the word count)
You should include a confidentiality statement confirming this is your original work,that all the information in the report has been anonymised. Your statement must be supported with references to the relevant ethical guidelines.
Contents (This is not counted in the word count)
The contents page sets out the sections and subsections of the report and their corresponding page numbers:
1.Title of first section
1.1 First subheading
1.2 Second subheading
2.Title of second main section
2.1 First subheading
Introduction :-
Your report needs an introduction, which states the aims of the report and what is included.
Contextual analysis :
The contextual analysis needs to show an understanding of the setting and of the children’s needs and making reference to diversity and inclusion. You need to clearly consider your setting from the point of view of how the context helps or hinders inclusion(e.g. is the building easily accessible for all due to architecture or position?) You will have collected this information (see task one above) and this is a brief summary of your findings.
Inclusion in the setting :
This is a major section of the report that draws on relevant literature and your planned and evaluated activity (in your appendix) to support the discussion. In this section of the report you need to provide examples of practice to highlight how inclusion is embedded, these need to be critically analysed drawing on relevant literature and your observations to support the discussion. Consider how either children or adults are included within the setting.How can the diversity of children,practitioners and parents dealt be supported? When critically analysing you could consider aspects of practice that can be supported, and also things that you think could be improved upon remembering at all times to link to literature to back up the points that you make.
The multi-professional roles in the setting :-
You need to include an explanation of the importance of the multi-professional roles in the setting and how they engage with children and their families carers.Consider how multi-professionals communicate and work together with the setting to promote inclusion. Again remember to link the points you make to literature.
Reflection :-
You need to complete a personal reflection, using a reflective model of your choice, of your skills in placement, referring to the Log of Your Professional Skills (in your appendix), giving examples of how you used them. Discuss the importance of personal reflection, action planning and evaluation of individual targets to promote inclusion and diversity.
Conclusion :-
The conclusion draws together your work. Summarise the main themes and conclusions,making it clear why these are important. Refer back to the title of the report.
Reference List (This is not counted in the word count)
A reference list (written according to University of Northampton Harvard Style) must be included
Appendix One
Planned and evaluated activity
This will be the details of the activity that you planned in order to promote diversity and inclusion within the setting (see task three above). Within this appendix you will have approximately one page plan; one page overview of how it went and a half to one page evaluation.You need to, briefly highlight what went well; what did not; what was unexpected etc. (This might be accompanied by some photos of the finished ‘result’ or stages but without children in the pictures).
You need to evaluate the activity, analysing such aspects as how effective it was; whether it fulfilled the learning objectives; any barriers to it being inclusive and what you would do next time.
Please include a reference list at the end of this section
Personal log of your professional and employ ability skills.
See task two details above for further guidance on this.
EYS2120 Work Based Learning Report Assessment – UK.
Other documents
Other relevant documentary evidence that supports your essay can be included in this section,for example,children’s work, photographs of resources, relevant policies,prospectus. Anything included must be referred to in your report and be anonymous.You must not include any pictures of children.
Appendix Two
Permissions Forms
You will then need an overall reference list at the very end. This will be a reference list that comprises of all references used; those in the report, those in the activity plan and evaluation and those in your personal log if applicable.
Demonstrating the Learning Outcomes :-
Plan for how you will address each LO
Link reading into each LO
Check at the end – how have you addressed each LO?
Complete LO grid
Additional guidance will be given during taught sessions and on Nile.
You will receive a visit from a tutor whilst you are on placement and they will be able to
answer any questions that you may have.
Also refer to the Placement Handbook.
Please remember that, however well your placement might have gone and however good your Midway and Final Reports are, you will FAIL this assignment if your report does not meet the standard required.
If you fail, you will definitely need to resit the report element and might also need to resit the whole placement too if it is deemed necessary.
If you fail both the first sitting and resit, you WILL NOT be able to progress to Year Three.
Ethical Considerations for Placement Research
Please note:
Academic work which is being carried out in settings and which involves the observation of children or other people, including their professional practice should be considered to be research and the appropriate ethical consideration should be taken.
The following pages include templates for letters of permission which students need to personalise and use before undertaking any assignment work.
When observing children’s learning and development or adults’ professional practice in settings
1.Do no harm.
2.Before observing children, gain written, informed consent for observations from setting leaders then parents.
3.Before observing children, gain additional written, informed consent from setting leaders and parents for photographs, audio and video recordings.
4.Before and during observations that include children, repeatedly seek and gain consent from children for both observations and recordings this can be in any form that is meaningful to the child(ren), e.g. verbal,drawn,written,symbols)
5.Before observing adults’ professional practice, gain written, informed consent for observations from setting leaders and observed practitioners.
6.Before observing adults’ professional practice, gain additional written, informed consent from setting leaders and observed practitioners for photographs, audio and video recordings.
7.Only keep data relating to children or professional practice for as long as you need it,then destroy it.
8.Bear in mind the ‘You’ factor: you will observe, record and evaluate observations from your own perspective so they will be biased. This is acceptable as long as you acknowledge it and try to minimise it.
9.Keep data safe so it cannot get into anyone else’s hands.
10.Maintain children and adults’ anonymity.
11.Be honest – do not deceive.
EYS2120 Work Based Learning Report Assessment – UK.
12.Explain to participants their right to withdraw at any time – and give it immediately if it is asked for. Be alert to non-verbal requests [e.g. if children begin to become distressed,they are asking to withdraw].
13.Never abuse your power over participants [adults or children].
14.Invite your participants to share your data once you have collected it.
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