Marketing Principles And Practice

Marketing Principles And Practice Assignment 3
Assessment instructions
Word count : 1500
Assessment instructions
Using the information in the Asda case study and SWOT analysis, write a marketing plan for Asda. You may also refer to the Asda website….
The case study and SWOT will be made available in the Assessment section of the Marketing Principles and Practice Moodle site. The SWOT is incomplete so you should add further points from the case study, and possibly the Asda website. Read through the case study and identify additional points that have not already been highlighted in the SWOT you have been given. Submit the SWOT as a table, including the points you have added, and place this at the start of your Marketing Plan.
The SWOT will not be marked and should not be included in the overall word count for this piece of work. The information in the SWOT is there to help you justify your decisions. You should not suggest a strategy that you cannot justify using SWOT information. You should also use the SWOT information to support your marketing mix decisions.
Marketing Principles And Practice

Marketing Principles And Practice

Your plan should be composed of the following:
 One SMART objective
 One marketing strategy
 One target audience
 A recommended positioning statement and marketing mix to achieve the objective

Use marketing theory, models and concepts, as well as information from the case study, to justify your Marketing Plan.

Write in the third person. Unless you are writing a reflective report, academic writing generally means writing in the third person or passive voice. Do not use “I, we, me, us, your, you”. An extensive reference list is not required. It is expected that all core theory will be referenced from Armstrong et al or another good quality introductory marketing text book. It is likely that you will use information from the Asda website as well. If your reference list includes only Armstrong et al, the Asda website and the case study that is sufficient. If you use other sources, make sure they are credible sources. Do not use Google to find ready-made plans for Asda. You are advised not to use AI to write your plan. Do not use practitioner or consultancy websites or blogs. Check with your seminar tutor if you are unsure.

If you cite information from the case study in your marketing plan use the citation ‘case study’. Add ‘Case study’ to the reference list at the end of your plan.

Word Limit

The word limit is 1,500 words. You may not exceed this. State your word count at the end of your document. If you exceed the word limit of 1,500 your mark will be reduced by 10% of the original mark. Failure to state a word count will mean a 5% penalty (reduction of the original mark given). Providing a false word count is an assessment offence and could lead to a reduction in your mark to zero.

Some sections of your report do not need to be very long so 1,500 words is achievable. For example:
State your SMART objective here
Add a sentence or two to justify the objective (that is, provide some evidence for why it is a good idea and explain the objective)
Use the marking scheme as a guide to how many words to write in each section.

Your plan should be presented to a professional standard. Use a font such as Calibri size 11.
Follow the exact structure and headings set out in the marking criteria. If you wish, you can use diagrams and models to help illustrate your points

To Be Continues…

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