Aim : A case study exploring the evidence base for nursing in relation to decision making in practice.
NPR1029 Exploring The Evidence Base For Nursing Case Study Assignment-Northampton University UK.
Part A
– Select only one from the 3 case studies presented. Discuss this case to include the physiology, appropriate theories and evidence base for at least 2 of the decisions made within the case study supporting with contemporary literature. Explore the lifestyle choices made in your case study and the impact of this on the health and wellbeing of the case study and the wider family.
Part B
– Make future positive lifestyle choices recommendations involving other health professionals, concluding with development of your own future practice.

Both Part A and Part B need to be completed to achieve all the Learning Outcomes
Module Learning Outcomes of NPR1029 Exploring The Evidence Base For Nursing Case Study Assignment
On successful completion of the module, with limited guidance, students will be able to:
Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application
a) Recognise the evidence base and range of factors involved in decision making and demonstrate an ability to apply to nursing practice.
b) Examine the evidence base and participate in opportunities to influence positive lifestyle choices in individuals, families and communities.
c) Examine situations and question with transparency and candour the
appropriateness of nursing care underpinned by evidence base
d) Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the Anatomy and physiology of the hum body
Employ ability & Change maker Skills
e) Within the context of health recognise personal and professional challenges and identify potential solutions.
f) Reflect on personal contribution to the team and identify strategies for self-development.
Process and Overview
- Knowledge and evidence-based research should be applied throughout the assignment.
- You must draw on decision making theories any psychosocial factors and the physiology related to the case study.
- You must include recommendations for future practice involving other health professionals and self-development.
- The assignment must demonstrate good use of the English language with evidence of writing at level 4.
The assignment should be structured and presented as follows
Title page
- A separate page that details your full name, student number & cohort, name of assignment & the module code.
- State the total word count for the introduction, main body & conclusion.
The rest of the assignment should only include your student number and page number
Introduction of NPR1029 Exploring The Evidence Base For Nursing Case Study Assignment
- State the case study selected and why chosen [rationale]
- Provide an overview of what will be discussed within Part A and Part B of the assignment.
Main body–
Your patient (Part A) [Learning Outcome]
- Overview of the presenting complaint, briefly outline the body system this relates to and the psychosocial factors to be considered.
Nursing process (Part A) [Learning Outcomes a & c]
• Discuss the factors that could have influenced at least 1 decision made during this episode of care with the support of a decision-making theory. This can be in relation to the admission or management of the patient.
• Explore the evidence demonstrating in depth understanding and analysis of decisions made informing the outcome of this care episode.
3. Health promotion (Part A) [Learning Outcome b]
- Discuss at least 1 lifestyle choice from your case study.
- Explain how this may have contributed to the current problem within the case study.
- Use contemporary evidence to support your discussion.
- Consider issues relating to quality of life, including physiological and psychological benefits, and relevant compliance and concordance issues.
4. Reflection and future recommendations (Part B) [Learning Outcomes e & f]
- Consider positive lifestyle recommendations for the person, involving other health professionals, the wider family or community.
- Reflect on undertaking this case study, discussing how it will influence your decision making for the future care of patients alongside professional self- development.
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