1.Neighbourhood Study
Aim: To investigate the health profile of a chosen neighbour hood/community and analyse the health and social determinants of that area.
Rationale: Demographic pressure, social/political influences and an increase in the prevalence of long term conditions have revised a focus on prevention of illness and health promotion. The Department of Health (DH) lead, shape and fund health care in the UK and through Public Health England (PHE) aim to improve and protect health by reducing health
NURS4013 Adult Health And Well being Assignment-UK.

Local Authorities may use health resources differently dependent upon the local population needs to address respective inequalities and health/social issues. The change of service context has thus shifted focus from hospital care to care based in the community and people’s homes, enforcing locally driven health interventions and strategies.
This means that the future nurse must have knowledge of the factors that determine health of communities, be able to engage with those communities, and be able work collaboratively and flexibly to improve health.
Consider the factors that influence the health of a community, such as education, social isolation, and employment/unemployment. These are termed health and social determinants or risk factors, there is theory suggesting links towards communities effect on health.
This guidance is to help you structure the work. Please refer to the guidance table for format, structure and further pointers. You have the choice to present in a report format with the suggested headings as per the guidance table above, or as an assignment, either is permitted.
1.1. Formative Assignment
The formative assignment consists of Part 1 of the work which you will submit via Turnitin for comment by the marker. The date of hand-in is 15th March before 13:00 and there will be a submission box opened for this.
1.Identify a neighbourhood (inner city or rural community).
2.Identify a prevalent health issue of your chosen neighbourhood.
3.Identify suggestive causative social determinants (within that neighbourhood) toward your chosen health issue.
Find the health profile of that community/geographical area, which you will find via the PH fingertips site (The link and “How to” guide video you will find in the How to get started chapter). This must be the most recent/current trends. You can search here for a general overview/summary of your chosen area and view yearly reports (changes in trends).
These tend to be Counties or Districts (Oxford or Swindon). This will help with your analysis of health and social determinants. You then need to narrow your search, be more specific and access the local health section (further down the page, as per the video) to search for your specific area/neighbourhood such as Blackbird Leys (Oxford) or Pen hill
(Swindon). Then identify the most prevalent health such as childhood obesity, respiratory disease, diabetes or Coronary Heart Disease. Make reference to the relevant social issues linked to the health issue, for further discussion in part 2. Advice should be to concentrate on no more than two social issues, so as to generate a thorough analysis.
Students have the opportunity to submit a plan, outlining part one of the Neighbourhood Study. This should be on one side of A4 paper (approx 500 words) and include a list of key references that will be used. Students should submit via the Turnitin formative submission box on or before the 15th March 2021 You will receive feedback on 29th March 2021 (2
weeks after submission, as per the departmental rules on formative feedback).
NURS4013 Adult Health And Well being Assignment-UK.

1.2. Summative Assignment
Assignment title: The Neighbourhood Study
Method – coursework 2500 words. Please state your word count on the first page under the title.
(The Grace Period will extend to Tuesday 4th May at 13:00. This is intended for unavoidable technical issues. You must request this using the Exceptional Circumstances process)
Neighbourhood Study Guidance
Aim: To investigate the health profile of a chose neighbourhood/community and analyse the health and social determinants of that area.
Rationale: Demographic pressure, social/political influences and an increase in the prevalence of long term conditions have revised a focus on prevention of illness and health promotion.
The Department of Health (DH) lead, shape and fund health care in the UK and through Public Health England (PHE) aim to improve and protect health by reducing health inequalities.
Local Authorities may use health resources differently dependent upon the local population needs to address respective inequalities and health/social issues. The change of service context has thus shifted focus from hospital care to care based in the community and people’s homes, enforcing locally-driven health interventions and strategies.
This means that the future nurse must have knowledge of the factors that determine the health of communities, be able to engage with those communities, and be able to work collaboratively and flexibly to improve health.
Consider the factors that influence the health of a community, such as education, social isolation, and employment/unemployment. These are termed health and social determinants or risk factors, there are theories suggesting links towards communities’ effects on health.
This guidance is to help you structure the work. You have the choice to present in a report format with the suggested headings as per the table link below or as an assignment, either is permitted.
The summative assignment will consist of the two parts; the Part 1 section that you have had feedback on and improved based on this, and the Part 2 section outlined below.
Part two:
Consider the factors that influence the health of that community. e.g education, social isolation, deprivation, employment/unemployment. This analysis should include consideration of relevant statistical information, policy and theory. You will find many theorists discussing health and social determinants, such as Dahlgren and Whitehead’s Social determinants of health.
NURS4013 Adult Health And Well being Assignment-UK.

Following on from this we would like you to provide some recommendations that could address the identified health or social care issue. Links to relevant literature should be made.
The overall work should be 2500 words long – a suggested breakdown of the word count is as follows:
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