Subject Code & Title : NURS5028 Assessing And Planning Adult Nursing
Part 2 Essay Guidelines
Assignment Guidelines part 2 : NURS5028 Assessing and Planning Adult Nursing Care (mark 50%)
Word Count: 2000 words
Assignment title:
An evidence based nursing care plan demonstrating evidence of co-creation with the service user.
NURS5028 Assessing And Planning Adult Nursing Assessment – UK.
Description :
In this assignment you will develop a care plan for a patient that you have looked after in practice. Please choose one aspect of your patients care plan to provide a critical analysis of the evidence available and make recommendations for future practice.
Read the part 2 essay guidelines
1. Please select a new scenario from practice to base your PART 2 ASSIGNMENT on.
2.Do not use the same scenario as PART 1.
3.You may find it useful to view the PART 2 Hello and welcome video in which the assignment is discussed in some detail. This recording is available within the zoom section . Here are the slides that were used in the session.
See the module reading list:
You may find the following eBook useful to help you understand more about care planning:
Chapter 2 of the Nursing Diagnosis handbook. Here you can select nursing diagnosis related to your patient’s condition.
Assignment Guidelines part 2 NURS5028 Assessing and Planning Adult Nursing Care (mark 50%)
Assignment title:
An evidence based nursing care plan demonstrating evidence of co-creation with the service user.
In this assignment you will develop a care plan for a patient that you have looked after in practice. Please choose one aspect of your patients care plan to provide a critical analysis of the evidence available and make recommendations for future practice.
NURS5028 Assessing And Planning Adult Nursing Assessment – UK.
Suggested layout 2000 words

You may find the following e books useful to help you understand more about care planning:
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