Module Code & Title :-  OSH7017 Worker Safety Health And Wellbeing
Assessment Type :-  Assignment
Weighting :- 50% of the module mark
Assessment title :-  Impact of work on health essay
Task/assessment brief:-
With reference to appropriate academic literature critically evaluate the positive and negative impact of work on worker health safety and wellbeing and organisational performance. Harvard citation and referencing should be used through out. Suggested format: Arial 12 point text with 1.5 spacing between lines Line spacing in tables can be spaced as appropriate.
OSH7017 Worker Safety Health And Wellbeing Assignment – UK

OSH7017 Worker Safety, Health And Wellbeing Assignment

Word count (or equivalent) :- 3000

This a reflection of the effort required for the assessment Word counts will normally include any text tables calculations figures subtitles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices are excluded from the word count. Contents of appendices are not usually considered when determining your final assessment grade.

Moodle/Turnitin :-
Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be recorded as a non attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed or have approved mitigating circumstances. See the School Moodle

File Format :-
The assessment must be submitted as a pdf document save the document as a pdf in your software and submit through the Turnitin submission point in Moodle.

Learning outcomes assessed
Critically evaluate the positive and negative impact work and the workplace has on worker safety health and wellbeing and organisational performance.

Other skills/attributes developed :-
This includes elements of the Cardiff Met EDGE Ethical Digital Global and Entrepreneurial skills and other attributes developed in students through the completion of the module and assessment. These will also be highlighted in the module guidance, which should be read by all students completing the module. Assessments are not just a way of auditing student knowledge. They are a process which provides additional learning and development through the preparation for and completion of the assessment.

 Critical thinking
 Time management
 Essay writing
 Referencing
 Online searches in academic (and non-academic) sources
 Reviewing the literature
 Evaluation of sources
 Self-management
 Setting out arguments
 Self-audit of work against marking criteria
 Proof reading

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