PSY5068 Counselling Theories And Concepts

PSY5068 Counselling Theories And Concepts
Learning Outcomes :
1. Recognise key differences between different models of counselling and psychotherapy.
2. Critically discuss the ways in which different theories understand human suffering and the process of therapeutic change.
3. Use concepts and techniques from different counselling approaches in the assessment of client materials and the presenting situation.
4. Reflect upon and evaluate multiple sources of information for validity and suitability for integration into a personal theoretical knowledge base.
PSY5068 Counselling Theories And Concepts

Counselling Theories And Concepts

Resit Summative Assessment Overview
If you are resitting either component, please re-read the assignment details below to ensure that your work meets the requirements outlined.
For the essay, you may resubmit a revised version of your original which demonstrates sufficient development following the original feedback provided.
For the formulation, you will be provided with a new case study and the resubmission should reflect this. However, you may choose to integrate the Person-Centred Approach with the same theory used in the first submission.

Portfolio Component 1 – Essay [75%].
This item will assess LO 1, 2 and 4.

Essay question (1500 words)
Describe a model of human development, distress and therapeutic change using the Person-Centred Approach and one other approach to counselling and psychotherapy.

Counselling theories provide conceptualisations of human experience that enable counsellors to frame and develop an intentional practice with clients. The purpose of
the essay task is to demonstrate understanding of the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of two key counselling approaches (one of which must be the Person-
Centred Approach) as well as demonstrating an understanding of the differences
and similarities between them. This understanding will provide a grounding for a
nascent integrative approach to counselling which is primarily influenced by the
Person-Centred Approach.
During the module, you will explore the broad approaches of Humanism (PCA, TA),
Cognitive Behavioural therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, psychodynamic, and
existential approaches with regards to human health, suffering and the possibilities
of therapeutic change. We will explore each approach using a standard formulation
framework to allow comparison and to give a grounding for thinking about
In your essay, you will need to demonstrate a clear understanding of the Person-
Centred Approach (PCA) and consider the PCA in comparison with one other
approach to counselling and psychotherapy. You should describe the differences
and similarities between the PCA and your other chosen approach in terms of
underpinning philosophies, values, theories of human development, suffering and
therapeutic change. You should consider the strengths and limitations of each
approach (for example, with reference to issues of culture and difference). You
should also briefly describe how the two approaches might be combined using an
integrative model. You should draw on relevant sources as directed on (but not
limited to) the Moodle page. You should include a final reference list for any in-text
citations used.

The aim of the essay is to enable you to clearly articulate your ideas in a concise and
well-structured format.
You should aim to meet exceed the word limit, however there will be an allowance of
+/- 10%.
You should include a final reference list for any in-text citations used and these
should meet APA guidance (7 th Edition).

PSY5068 Counselling Theories And Concepts

Portfolio Component 2 – Clinical Case Formulation [25%].
This item will assess LO 3.

Case formulation task (1000 words)

Using the client material, create a case formulation referencing the Person-Centred Approach and one other approach to counselling and psychotherapy. You should also include a 250-word reflective statement.

The case formulation task will require you to identify relevant concepts, techniques
and change processes from different counselling approaches in the assessment of
client material. The case material will be presented in the form of a case vignette
published on Moodle.
You should use the formulation template provided on Moodle to outline an approach
to the case that considers different therapeutic theories of human development,
distress, and therapeutic change.
Your formulation should draw on the Person-Centred Approach as your core
approach and one other approach to counselling and psychotherapy. The second
approach chosen must be different to that discussed in your essay.
The first part of the formulation should be written concisely and may be presented
using bullet points.
Your formulation should also include a short reflection of approximately 250 words in
which you identify contextual factors that might impact the counselling relationship
as well as your personal response to the case.
The aim of the case formulation is to enable you to apply concepts and techniques
from different counselling approaches in the assessment of client materials and the
presenting situation.

You should aim to meet exceed the word limit, however there will be an allowance of
+/- 10%.
You should include a final reference list for any in-text citations used and these
should meet APA guidance (7 th Edition).

Counselling Theories And Concepts

Formative Assessment

A revision session will be held in July, two weeks prior to the deadline. Reminder will
be issued for you to attend this session. Please prepare specific questions and/or
identify areas of difficulty to address.

PSY5068 Counselling Theories And Concepts

Transferable skills 
This assessment will assist in development of the following transferable skills:

Transferable Skill 1: Independence
 You will be engaging with independent learning throughout the module in organising your own work/learning schedule. For example, seminar prep., watching online lectures and taking notes, completing online tasks, readings and locating external information relating to the course content.

Transferable Skill 2: Critical thinking and problem solving
 This module provides the opportunity to critically appraise counselling theories in relation to different case circumstances, client needs and preferences and socio-cultural expectations and norms. This will require you to reflect on and evaluate multiple sources of information for validity and suitability for integration into a comprehensive therapeutic approach for clients’ differing needs at different times and in different circumstances.

Transferable Skill 3: Self-awareness
 Alongside its partner-module (PSY5067 – Counselling Skills), this module builds on the process of developing self-awareness that began in PSY4043 –Self and Relationship and PSY4044 – Non-verbal communication.
 Counselling theories may be best understood by reflecting on personal life experiences and applying key elements of the theories to the self in order to make personal sense of them. Both counselling theory and skills are not done to clients but instead are learned as an iterative process. Therefore, central to effective counselling is practitioner self awareness, this module stretches the process of developing self-awareness further and deeper. This is directly relevant to employment as a professional counsellor but is also highly applicable to any role that requires relationship building.

Transferable Skill 4: Teamwork
 Each week, you will work in small discussion groups and activities during lectures and seminars. As with all practitioner development, team learning will reflect the ability of individual learners to foster interpersonal conditions for personal and professional development. This will help you to further develop the teamwork skills you have acquired throughout your course. You will be required to work closely with other students in seminars to discuss case-scenarios and discuss appropriate therapeutic interventions.

Transferable Skill 5: Communication
 Each week you will be involved in small group discussions and make independent contributions to in-class discussions. You will also have the opportunity to contribute to the module forums, asking and answering questions posed by your colleagues. In addition, you will be required to present and explain your rationale for therapeutic interventions you identify in relation to case discussions.

Transferable Skill 6: Ability to work under pressure
 You will have deadlines for formative and summative assessments, and you will need to work consistently throughout the module to do well. This will mean you having to set your own schedule of work and keep to your own deadlines to meet the objectives of the module. There will be reasonable pressure on you to develop a high standard of understanding as well as knowledge to meet the learning objectives of the module to a high standard.

Transferable Skill 7: Planning and time management
 You will need to set your own schedule of independent work within your weekly personal timetable to enable you to fully engage with all elements of this module. You will need to plan when and how to engage with self-directed study via Moodle and both directed and wider reading for this module.

Transferable Skill 8:  Leadership
 Each week you will be offered the opportunity to take the lead in small group discussions during lecture and seminar-based learning, as well as being encouraged to make contributions to the class discussions. You will take it in turns to organise case-discussion sessions in your Learning Groups by organising and communicating meeting times and organising related resources such as recording equipment and booking physical spaces

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