Subject Title :-  Strategic Global Marketing
Assessment Type :-  Assignment
Assignment brief
Your Roles
Background :-  During the Strategic Global Marketing module you are exposed to key aspects of strategic marketing planning that can be applied to a number of contexts such as services business to business retail and small to medium enterprises (SMEs). In the process you are encouraged to identify the challenges that organisations might face in trying to enhance their corporate brand and reputation in these contexts and how they need to respond to the challenges of an increasingly global environment. You now have an opportunity to explore one organisation in detail. Your choice should be focused on one of the following sectors:
Strategic Global Marketing Assignment-UK

 Strategic Global Marketing Assignment

Pharmaceuticals                            Fashion retailing
Supermarkets                                  Airline industry
Automobile industry                      Financial services
Aerospace                                          Defence industry
Manufacturing industry              Holiday/travel industry
Education/training                         Advertising industry
Leisure                                                 Construction
Consumer goods                             Media
Oil, gas, electricity                          Telecoms
Technology                                        Charities

The organisation may operate globally regionally or nationally In making your choice you should ensure that sufficient material is available from sources such as the Financial Times MINTEL and Keynote.

Please note: this assignment is based on available secondary data Direct and personal contact with your chosen organisation is strictly forbidden.

This assignment comprises two elements, details of which can be found below:

A 4000-word individual report that represents 100% of the module grade.

Assume that your chosen organisation wishes to expand at home and internationally after a thorough review of its current competitive position. Using appropriate models, theories and frame works  your brief is to:

1. Analyse your chosen organisation’s current competitive position in the external environment in both the:
Macro external (PESTEL) environments and critically evaluate two key opportunities and two threats and implications for your chosen organisation that it needs to respond to in an increasingly dynamic global environment.

Micro external (5 Forces) environments and critically evaluate two key opportunities (positive forces) and two threats (negative forces), and implications for your chosen organisations that it needs to respond to in an increasingly dynamic global environment.

2. Analyse the internal environment strengths and weaknesses of the organisation resources capabilities vision and mission statements and CSR) and critically evaluate how the strengths address the opportunities from macro and micro environment in task 1, and what actions need to be taken to recover/reduce the weaknesses in order to over come the threats and the challenges of operating in an increasingly global environment.

3. Analyse a foreign country’s market opportunities for your chosen organisation (a foreign country’s domestic market conditions such as income level consumer segments legal and political atmosphere etc…) and decide on which country to enter.

You should provide a critical view how your chosen organisation should take some opportunities and threats in the dynamic global environment (external and internal) in combination with the overseas opportunities a country’s domestic market conditions) to enter the countrys market on which you decided to enter. Based on this critical view you should also recommend an appropriate market entry mode (N.B. You must NOT choose your own country for this exercise).

A. Report content
1. Analyse your chosen organisation’s current competitive position in the external environment in both the:
Macro external (PESTEL) environments and critically evaluate two key opportunities and two threats and implications for your chosen organisation that it needs to respond to in an increasingly dynamic global environment.

Strategic Global Marketing Assignment-UK

Micro external 5 Forces environments and critically evaluate two key opportunities and two threats and implications for your chosen organisations that it needs to respond to in an increasingly dynamic global environment.

You should:
– Demonstrate a sound under standing of what is meant by the organisation’s external environment and the models, concepts and theories (MCTs) which can be used to analyse both the macro and micro environments.
– Critically evaluate the global external environment in the context of your chosen SECTOR utilising these MCT’s
– Summarise the findings from the external analysis and demonstrate your ability to apply these to your chosen organisation.
– Identify the key opportunities and threats from the external environment and their impact on the organisation.
– Make recommendations for action.
2. Analyse the internal environment strengths and weaknesses of the organisation resources capabilities vision and mission statements and CSR) and critically evaluate how the strengths address the opportunities from macro and micro environment in task 1, and what actions need to be taken to recover/reduce the weaknesses in order to over come the threats and the challenges of operating in an increasingly global environment.

 Strategic Global Marketing Assignment

You should:
– Demonstrate a sound understanding of what is meant by the organisation’s internal analysis and the MCT’s that can be applied.
– Critically evaluate the organisation’s internal environment utilising these MCT’s.
– Demonstrate a sound understanding and critical analysis of what is meant by mission, vision and values and the importance of aligning these with internal stakeholders and the corporate social responsibility agenda.
– Identify key strengths and weaknesses from the internal analysis and their impact on the organisation.
– Make recommendations for action.

Strategic Global Marketing Assignment-UK

3. Analyse a foreign country’s opportunities for your chosen organisation a foreign country’s domestic market conditions; such as income level, consumer segments, legal and political atmosphere etc…) and decide on which country to enter.

You should provide a critical view how your chosen organisation should use some opportunities and threats in the dynamic global environment external and internal in combination with the overseas opportunities a country’s domestic market conditions) to enter the country’s market on which you decided to enter. Based on this critical view you should also recommend an appropriate market entry mode (N.B. You must NOT choose your own country for this exercise).

You should:
– Based on 1) and 2) above provide a clear rational for the country chosen. It may be a country that the organisation is already represented in (we are looking at the quality of analysis and your rationale). How ever you must NOT suggest your own country as a potential country to enter.
– Critically analyse models, concepts and theories to justify:
MSc Marketing students
an appropriate market entry mode and how the organisation could overcome the potential challenges posed by your country choice (Marketing Mix). Provide suggestions and recommendations for Marketing Mix in the foreign market.

MSc Advertising and Marketing Communication students- an appropriate market entry mode and how you would overcome the challenges that may influence the organisation’s marketing communications Communication Mix.

Strategic Global Marketing Assignment-UK

Provide suggestions and recommendations for communication marketing mix in the foreign market.

MSc Marketing and Brand Management students — an appropriate market entry mode and how you would overcome the challenges that may impact the organisation’s corporate brand in terms of its identity and image Communication Mix. Provide suggestions and recommendations for communication mix in the foreign market.

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