Module Title :- Technology Entrepreneurship
Title Of Assessment :- Assessment 2 (First Sit) Coursework
Level :- H7
COURSE(S):- MBA (Core, Graduate), MSEBD
1. Coursework Brief :-
Following Assessment 1 and feedback from your tutor submit a written report not exceeding 20 pages and not exceeding 4000 words The report should be a living breathing manual on the technological opportunity, and will be absolutely vital if you ever need to further develop the technology product or business, or seek funding from an investor.
Technology Entrepreneurship Assignment – UK
2. Report Guidance
No template as such JUST BE CREATIVE!
Here are some quick-fire ways to make a technology venture plan shine:
• Go into the detail
A high-level overview of your or the clients technology venture isn’t enough – you need to dig deep into the technology market industry costs income streams etc. if you’re to explore every opportunity and threat.
• Treat it like a story
Every brilliant story has a beginning, middle and end. Your report should be the same and it certainly doesn’t hurt to write it as you would a block buster novel your passion will shine through as a result.
• Tell the story about your beginnings
Technology ventures benefit from fantastic stories about their reasons for being.
Tell yours or your clients on the first page and take time to rewrite and have it proofed and polished by a professional writer if you’re not confident it’ll make all the difference and set the tone perfectly.
• Don’t shy away from visual elements
There are so many ways you can easily create bar graphs and charts, and some numbers look far more interesting when presented visually in this way.
• Don’t stray too far from your target market
You’ve already got a really good idea of who will buy from your technology venture, so don’t be tempted to look for wider market segments at this time that can come later.
• Use Analytical tools taught in the module
Make use ofsome of the advanced techniquestaught in the module,such as AHP, QFD, Patent analysis etc. to analyse the technology strength and user benefits analyse competition and substitutes. Even if you don’t have your own patents or even if your technology and processes are proprietary you are still required to conduct a patent analysis. This will help you under stand the landscape, what you can practice and cannot, where you need to licence others technologies and the implications of all these on your venture.
• Is your technology venture feasible and viable
An obvious one but some thing that is lacking from so many business plans
You know your ideas and business model but how will you ensure your venture is sustain able? This should involve start up costs and pricing. And do add another 20% contingency to your start up costs and make it clear thats for unfore seen costs you will most certainly need this!
• What is the impact of your technology venture
Understand measure and communicate potential impact social + economic + any
This is extremely important for marketing purposes and to secure funders and customers. Impact is also central to your venture’s strategy as it helps you know whether you are meeting your mission and vision in the long-term.
• Explain how you’ll execute the plan
It is not enough to just detail the plans for the enterprise its important to explain how it’ll be executed.What and who will you need to turn this document into a sustainable business?
• Include some sector and economy/market stats
What have you got to hand that backs up your claims about the sector or economy market in to which you’re about to throw your technology venture? Is the gap in the market really wide enough? Do enough customers exist?
• Include any supporting policies and public funding channels
How are governments and other non-governmental agencies supporting with new policies and instruments.
How can your venture benefit? What do you need to do to access any support and funding?
• Spend time on the design
Although a pretty venture plan doesn’t make a successful technology venture designing it to be pleasing on the eye branded if possible and easy to read is vital.
3. Research Guidance
The following four basic steps are recommended for identifying and analyzing an opportunity:
Identify potential opportunities. Combine your own personal experiences and creativity with external forecasts and trend analysis. How is the world changing with respect to new technologies? What is the impact of globalization on current solutions? What new requirements will those changes produce? Recent media articles on trends are often a good place to start. Additionally you may want to look through university departments in health nutrition and engineering for e.g. and identify new technologies that have been developed at the University.
Technology Entrepreneurship Assignment
Define your purpose and objectives. Identify your most promising opportunity being careful to discriminate between an interesting technological idea and a viable market opportunity. Prepare an outline which will help you to determine what types of data and information you need to demonstrate the attractiveness of your chosen opportunity.
Gather data from secondary sources.
Count less secondary sources exist on the web and in universitys various library resources.
Try not to get too bogged down in financial and accounting data.
Analyse and interpret the results. Persuasively summarize your results.
4. Additional Notes on the Report
• Maximum 20 pages and maximum 4000 words
• The layout must be in landscape format and two or three columns.
• Wrap text around images and tables if on the same page.
• References must occur in the footnote or on a sidebar and not at the end.
• You must have cleared the research ethics process before collecting any primary data.
• You can produce the report using any tool word canva publisher etc.) but submission should be in word or pdf non-image file format.
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