Type of Assessment Component as specified in the Module Descriptor e.g.Research, Exam: Research Paper (100%)
1.Module Code TH6164
2.Module Title Christian Ethics
3.Module Level 6
4.Module Credit 20 CC 10 ECTS
Available to / Restrictions None
Expected Student Learning Activity
200 hours of study of which 32 hours are tutor contact which includes lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials and communication class.
TH6164 Christian Ethics Assignment – Regents Theological College UK.
Attendance Guidance :
Students are expected to attend all lectures and seminars and tutorials as agreed with the module leader.
Module Content:
This module introduces students to the theological discipline of Christian Ethics/Moral Theology. Christian approaches to ethics as a theological discipline will be explored and key areas of moral theology will be critically analysed, including the use of the Bible in ethics, the place of the theological virtues and the Ten Commandments in Christian moral theology, Christian approaches to sexual and bioethical questions, and the pastoral application of Christian moral theology.
Aims :
The module aims to:
1.Explore a range of practical and contemporary ethical issues, with a special emphasis on issues encountered in pastoral life and practice.
2.Critically evaluate the student’s own ethical response to these issues.
3.Critically assess various responses from Christian moral theologies to contemporary ethical issues.
Methods of Learning and Teaching and Formative Assessment:
When this module is delivered at Regents Theological College (Malvern campus) it may include: lectures, seminars/webinars, workshops, communication classes, tutorials and guided study. Formative assessments may include seminar presentations and discussions in tutorials.
TH6164 Christian Ethics Assignment – Regents Theological College UK.
Learning Outcomes:
Students should be able to:
1.Engage in informed discussion of contemporary moral problems, recognising and evaluating their own response and respecting the response of others.
2.Critically evaluate a range of ethical positions from a coherent Christian perspective.
Assessment and Reassessment Components and Weighting
- Module Leader
- Module Assessment Board
Theology and Religious Studies - Approved by
Arts and Humanities Board of Studies
The task is to write a research paper of 4,000 words. Choose ONE of the following questions. For learning outcomes of the assessment, please see the Module Descriptor.
1.Critically evaluate the Vatican’s ‘Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to a dubium regarding the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex, 15.03.2021’ and the Church in Wales’ ‘Liturgy for the Blessing of a Same-Sex Civil Marriage / Civil Partnership’ (Final Draft as approved by the Bench of Bishops, October 2020) and accompanying ‘Explanatory Memorandum’ in the light of Pentecostal theology.
TH6164 Christian Ethics Assignment – Regents Theological College UK.
2.Critically assess the position and argument of Humanae Vitae.
3.Critically evaluate the extent to which Natural Law is compatible with a Pentecostal ethic.
4.Critically assess the ethics of the use of ‘deep fakes’ in light of Channel 4’s alternative to the Queen’s Speech on Christmas Day 2020 and the more recent popularity of bringing photos of the dead to life.
5.Critically assess the ethics of fictional portrayals of living or recently deceased people, in light of the Netflix series The Crown.
6.Offer a critical comparative evaluation of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox approaches to divorce and remarriage in light of Scripture and theology.
7.Critically evaluate the extent to which Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body could be applied by Pentecostals.
8.Critically evaluate Laudato Si’ from a Pentecostal perspective.
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