Unit Title : The Criminological Imagination
Assessment Type : Assignment 2
Weighting : 25%
Length: 1,500 words
The Criminological Imagination Assignment 2 UK.

The Criminological Imagination Assignment 2

Report on ONE of the following extracts from New burn, T. (ed) (2009) Key Readings in Criminology, Collumpton, Will an
a) Beccaria, C. (1764) Of Crimes and Punishment.
b) Felson, M. and R. V. Clarke (1998) Opportunity makes the thief.
c) Becker, H. (1963) Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance.
d) Herrnstein, RJ., and Murray, C. (1994) Bell curve: Intelligence and class structure in American life.
e) Merton, R.K (1938) Social structure and anomie
f) Smart, C. (1990) Feminist approaches to criminology or postmodern woman meets atavistic man.
g) Wacquant (2001) Deadly symbiosis: when ghetto and prison meet and mesh.Your report must include three elements:

(a) a summary (500 words) of the main arguments made in the extract (40% of the mark for this assignment). Summarising means explaining the key arguments and ideas in the article in your own words: You should summarise the article in your own words, picking out the key ideas: this is not the same as paraphrasing the original text. Remember also that a summary is not the same as a review: in a review, you would be asked to comment critically on the arguments presented, but in a summary you need only set out accurately what the argument is.

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The Criminological Imagination Assignment 2 UK.

The Criminological Imagination Assignment 2

(b) an assessment (250 words) of the disciplinary (e.g. historical, sociological, psychological,etc.) and theoretical (e.g. positivist, classical, labeling, feminist, marxist, critical etc.)perspective from which you think the author is likely to be speaking and the reasons for your conclusions

(c) a brief explanation of three terms or concepts (250 words each) which you come across in the article and which are unfamiliar to you (30% of the assignment mark). Which terms you choose will depend upon your individual personal and academic background: there are no right’or wrong’ terms to choose. What you will be assessed upon is your ability to recognise gaps in your own learning and to identify ways of remedying them. Whatever your three terms are, look them up in textbooks (using the index and the glossary if one is provided) and make use of specialist dictionaries of Criminology, or Sociology (a standard English dictionary can also be useful but will not be sufficient by itself).References to the sources used and a bibliography must be included in your explanation of the concepts terms, which should include commentary upon their use in the context of the specific article you have chosen for your summary.

The Criminological Imagination Assignment 2 UK.

The Criminological Imagination Assignment 2

What you will be assessed upon and what your report should demonstrate is:
1.your ability to summarise accurately and succinctly;
2. your knowledge of competing relevant theoretical and disciplinary perspectives and ability to identify examples;
3. your ability to use learning resources effectively;
4. your written communication skills.

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