TNA5002 Social Determinants And Long Term Health Conditions
Word Count : 3000
Assessment 1 will be a 3000-word assignment based on your case study. In this assignment you will be analysing the social determinants of health related to your case study, and critically discussing initiatives which help improve health outcomes.
The following information will help you prepare for and write your assignment.
Important to know
• The word count will refer to everything in the main body of the text (including headings, citations, quotes, lists etc.).
• There is no fixed penalty for exceeding the word count, but any work after the +10% word count tolerance has been reached, will not be considered in the allocation of marks. You may therefore be penalised for a failure to be concise and for failing to conclude the work within the word count specified.
• Please submit your assignment as a word document. Copy and paste your assignment into the feedback sheet, this will be in landscape format, this is okay and how it is meant to appear.
• Ensure that you include the correct electronic submission front sheet with your student number, the module code and the module title. The feedback sheet will clearly state assignment or poster on the front page.
• Please ensure that you adhere to the Harvard-style referencing system. Guidance on this is available to download from the library website
TNA5002 Social Determinants And Long Term Health Conditions
Introduction: approx. 200 words
The introduction is the paragraph that opens your assignment. By reading your introduction the reader should know exactly what to expect in the rest of your assignment.
Make clear in this section which 3-4 social determinants you have chosen to write about. Don’t say ‘I have chosen…’ as this is the first person. Use the 3rd person, for example ‘in this assignment housing, employment and education will be discussed’.
You may choose to introduce health inequalities and the social determinants of health.
Main Body 1: approx. 1275 words (aims to meet learning outcome 1)
Identify and analyse the social determinants from the case study that have an impacted on the life chances and health status of the people within the study. In your discussion include reports and a wide range of reading that discusses social inequalities and the social determinants of health and include statistics to support your evidence.
• Choose 3-4 social determinants from the scenario to focus on.
• For each social determinant discuss how that social determinant impacts on the long-term health condition (LTHC) of one person in the scenario.
• You are not expected to discuss every social determinant in the scenario.
• Do not confuse a behaviour with a social determinant. For example, smoking is not a social determinant, it is a behaviour. Social determinants are the wider factors that have led to the person smoking. See fig 1 and fig 2.
• Do not rewrite the scenario in your assignment, we know the scenario. Align the social determinant to someone in the scenario but keep this to a couple of sentences and reflect back on this e.g. In the scenario Terry has x LTHC and this may be impacted upon by x social determinant’.
• Then discuss the impact that social determinant has on that LTHC.
• Underpin this with evidence.
• Critically appraise the impact of the social determinant and health inequalities on the individual’s health. Refer back to individuals. E.g., In Terry’s case it can be seen that…’
• Fig 1: Dahlgren and Whiteheads model of Social determinants. There are other social determinant models and additions to the image below which we have covered in class. You may want to include these in your critical discussion if you think they are relevant.
To Be Continues…