Unit Title & Code :- Treating Crime 2750 Criminology
Assignment Type : Essay
Word Count :- 1500 words
Assignment Brief :-
In your assignment you should:
i)Ensure your essay is logically structured (introduction, main body & conclusion), and be fully referenced throughout and accompanied by an accurate bibliography.
You will need to include the main components of the selected treatment(s) and show how these will be used to address the targeted behaviour(s); you should include key research to evidence their effectiveness, and comment on their effectiveness in terms of reducing recidivism. To evaluate the evidence, you should include the following:
Treating Crime 2750 Criminology Assignment – UK.

Treating Crime 2750 Criminology Assignment

ii) Consider the methodological and ethical issues associated with the treatments – consider the strengths & weaknesses of the treatment eg, how well it addresses the behaviour; discuss the ethical issues relating to the use of therapies or those associated with role play with violent offenders; consider the difficulty in testing the effectiveness of treatments in prison
iii) Consider the effectiveness of the treatment programmes – you can compare and contrast the different treatments and comment on how they compare in terms of effectiveness (consider long-term vs short-term benefits, recidivism etc). You should use specific research examples to illustrate the effectiveness of the treatments;
iv) Consider the limitations associated with treatments – for example discuss the effectiveness of cognitive based programmes for sex or violent offenders compared to behavioural or biological treatments

For this assignment you will be graded on the following grade descriptors:
There are no descriptor statements for a ‘Pass’. Students achieve a Pass by meeting the requirements of all the assessment criteria of a unit.

Treating Crime 2750 Criminology Assignment – UK.

Treating Crime 2750 Criminology Assignment

If work is submitted after the formal deadline has passed, and no extension has been granted, all grade indicators relating to this assignment are capped at a PASS.

Descriptor :-

Graded units
Access to HE Diploma (Psychology & Social Work)

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